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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version on: 2010 March 06, 22:20:28
If you are able to fix it, I would be very grateful if you could upload it to this thread. I get burnt out just building one house (short attention span).
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How to place opened tent? on: 2010 March 05, 01:07:16
They are saving your bandwidth, you should be grateful!
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Surprise buttsecks er... I mean, marriage. on: 2010 March 05, 01:06:00
Well, so far, after I updated to the latest version of AM it has not happened again.
I have several sims peeing themselves on the stairs of City Hall, but no surprise marriages as yet.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Surprise buttsecks er... I mean, marriage. on: 2010 March 02, 02:21:34
I experienced this error as well, my sim suddenly married, then everyone in China started dropping like flies and Grimmy flailing to keep up. I exited without saving and installed an updated version of AM. I don't know if this is related, but a fair amount of the NPC's, both in the 'hood and in China, have started peeing themselves and are afterwards going around stinking, revolting everyone around them.

Is this okay or will it eventually cause BFBVFS? I have no cc other than AM, and my patches are up to date.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims getting run over/stuck in taxi on: 2010 February 22, 21:05:39
It is unlikely that this bug has anything to do with your game being arred. How about reading this thread instead?
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Vehicle Anomalies on: 2010 February 21, 17:21:53
I am not so worried if they survive or not, I never play premade sims. I just don't want to risk screwing up my neighborhood, and I don't know if nuking the cabs with sims in will cause problems down the road. Like you said, it's more a nuisance than an actual problem.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Vehicle Anomalies on: 2010 February 21, 15:36:38
I have two cabs stuck in my game, with sims in them. One is in front of the family I am playing (the only family I have in this neighborhood) and the other one is at the next intersection. Towderelicts fixes it for about one second as does fixall.
Would nuking the cabs be safe if there are sims in them?

I am using the latest patch, have HELS and WA installed and the AM from last night.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: FPS limiter limiting FPS in an undesirable way after installing HELS on: 2010 February 16, 21:49:35
I know. Wink It still works, though, after a fashion.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: FPS limiter limiting FPS in an undesirable way after installing HELS on: 2010 February 16, 18:56:49
Tell me about it. I bought this top of the line laptop less than two years ago. At least I bought the extended warranty so I can get a new one (blu-ray player busted as well).
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: FPS limiter limiting FPS in an undesirable way after installing HELS on: 2010 February 16, 18:14:59
Have you tried setting the in-game graphics options to the minimum? That's what I am trying next.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: FPS limiter limiting FPS in an undesirable way after installing HELS on: 2010 February 16, 15:52:56
From what I have read on many different boards, the system requirements have greatly increased with both WA and HELS. I had no problem playing the base game, it loaded beautifully, but with WA and HELS installed I am running into the same problems that you are. Even with no CC and a newly reinstalled game. First the sound goes buggy and then everything jerks along. But it is the same with or without FPS limiter.

If you have the possibility, try it on another computer and see what happens.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patch 1.10/2.5/3.1 on: 2010 February 15, 03:46:24
I believe the region is set in regedit:


Right click on SKU and change the value to whatever you need it to be.

13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Base/WA Version 2.5.12 on: 2010 February 14, 02:20:18
The Awesome mod has a no-cd built in. This recipe worked for me. Also, LURK MOAR!
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims3packs - a few questions about getting them in my game on: 2010 February 13, 18:10:29
It's not framework fail, awesome mod works.  Wink
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims3packs - a few questions about getting them in my game on: 2010 February 13, 17:49:37
So Sims3packs should be installed with the launcher? I have avoided using the launcher at all as I understood it was evil. I used Delphy's tool to convert the sims3packs to .package-files and put them in the Packages-folder under Mods. I haven't gotten them to show up yet but that may have been because I put them in the Packages-folder under HELS instead of the base game (trying that next after work).

Do the sims3packs need to be installed with the launcher again because of the recent patch? I understand it has made problems with CC not showing up.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Sims3packs - a few questions about getting them in my game on: 2010 February 13, 15:24:19
Ok, I just last night started putting CC in my game (had to get it working first, you know). And in my ignorance I used Delphy's Multi-installer but now I see that Pescado has something called the Ts3Recompressor. Should that be used instead? Or is that an unrelated tool just meant for fixing broken sims3packs?

17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there) on: 2010 February 13, 06:35:21
I figured out my performance problems, it was cc-related, I should have guessed.
Anyway, my game is running great and I am happy! Smiley
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there) on: 2010 February 12, 17:56:24
4. Extract framework to "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures"

Oops! Don't you mean "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff" ?

Thanks for the recipe, I am in the same boat as the OP and will give this a shot later today.

EDIT: Thanks! It worked great! But I am getting some performance problems with my DuoCore 2.1 GHz CPU and 4GB memory. TS3 is using almost 1GB of memory and 80% of the CPU, while only playing in the house, no build mode or CAS or vacations and this is after about 5-10 minutes of play. Any guesses?
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: My review of TS3. What I liked, don't like. on: 2009 June 05, 18:08:16
@Pes: There is a set of eyebrows that will make anyone look angry. I used them on my teen son... :-D
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TSR has already a Workshop for CC... on: 2009 June 04, 01:15:33
Inge was driven away from the Sims community once before by ungrateful assholes who demanded things of her.  I know it's naive to hope that people will learn from experience, but Melvin, could you please not tick off the nice lady who makes the wonderful mods?

"Hand."  "Bite."  "You."  "Feeds."  "Don't."  "The."  "That."  Make a sentence using these words. Wink

Couldn't agree more.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: For anyone who pirated the sims 3 and has peerguardian on: 2009 June 03, 04:20:26
PeerGuardian is a waste of time and resources.

That's been my conclusion as well...
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: REAL Final Version on: 2009 June 03, 04:17:17
Has anyone with the "REAL Final Version" noticed any difference when it comes to resource hogging etc?
If not, I think I will continue with the one I have...
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Technical problems with THE HORROR: downloading, installing, and running it on: 2009 May 28, 20:29:16
Today when I opened the game this message appeared:  Undecided

"You are playing a non-final, unauthorized copy of The Sims 3. Purchasing and registering an official copy of The Sims 3 will entitle you to benefits including access to an entirely new game town called Riverview, 1000 SimPoints which can be redeemed for game objects in The Sims 3 Store, and access to The Sims 3 Exchange."

Is it true that it is not the final version?

sorry for my google english

Try turning off internet before starting the game. Do you get the same result?
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 18:46:44
Hi i´m new here and sorry if this question are already made. Is only for me or the game is tooooooo slowly in the night? I almost sleep in from on my computer waiting for the night ends . Any change in game to modify that?

If you don't do a search or try to write proper English you won't last long here at MATY...
Rutet is ESL, and from Portugal. I found this through a quick check at his profile and email provider. Also, there are certain patterns of most ESL (tense issues, incorrect transitions). Your willingness to play Poke-the-Noob serves you well, but isn't appropriate in this situation.

Actually, I am ESL as well. Norwegian, born and raised. I wasn't trying to poke the n00b, rather, I was just trying to save the n00b from the sharks.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 17:49:39
Hi i´m new here and sorry if this question are already made. Is only for me or the game is tooooooo slowly in the night? I almost sleep in from on my computer waiting for the night ends . Any change in game to modify that?

If you don't do a search or try to write proper English you won't last long here at MATY...

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