Can someone help me with this? Every time I install a new world it installs as a duplicate or triplicate. I didn't intentionally install them multiple times - they all showed up this way after the first time I installed them. They all work, even the doubles and the triples as far as I know and it only happens with custom worlds, both from the store and from other creators. It isn't causing any problems that I'm aware of (although I haven't played my game for any extended period of time lately, so I don't know) but it just kinda... bothers me. Also, I don't even have the Monte Vista file anywhere (I legitimately cannot find it anywhere on my computer) and I completely uninstalled all custom content from my game last week and it's still showing up as installed and in the downloads folder in the Launcher. Under the "Installed Worlds" folder in the Sims 3 all worlds are showing up there, even their duplicates/triplicates. Will deleting the doubles and triples make it go away or is that just gonna break stuff?