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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / WCIF on: 2015 February 20, 23:13:38
Christianlov's Custom Skintone Selector 4
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Divorce on: 2014 July 23, 17:04:16
Have a married woman who hasn't lived with her mate for some time and relation is 0 -0 but how can I get them divorced.  Tried phoning but no breakup option showed up.
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Can't get married on: 2014 March 22, 04:40:13
Have an adult female that can't seem to get married.  She was married once and her husband died.  When I use the plant that's called the Family Tree I think, and ask for her spouse it shows the one that died.  Under family tree it also shows him but he is grayed out.  How can I get him completely out of the picture so she can remarry ?  No one else in the hood has had a problem becoming engaged or married but only option for her is Move In or Stay the Night.  Was told Matty had something on this but can't find it.

4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Sims without bodies on: 2012 June 29, 04:49:42
Guess the reason for no bodies is I did not download the mesh that goes with it but how can I find out what mesh or skin I need ??

SilverFoxxy (out Foxed myself)
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