This was posted on a Sims 4 forum:
What prevented me from even considering the game was fact that over half the development time was spent working on a online version of the game before they decided not to go that route and only had 1 - 2 yrs to switch to single player offline game. The game clearly shows it was meant to be online and still has the limited engine, hence no terrain editing tools, no pools, loading screens, small worlds, and all lots flat. It's clear they ran out of time to add anything but what you have now. I'm not forking over $60+ to fund another EA mistake. The game may get better in the future with EP and so on, but the base game alone should be enough to keep one entertained for as long as you want to play it without having to add an EP or SP to it, but, according to my friends who bought it, it doesn't.
Although I didn't buy the game and don't plan to, I have several friends who have and all have returned them via Origin. The main complaints were after several hours they ran out of things to do, only one play style now, toddlers tied to the crib was a killer for one of my friends. Too many bugs and clipping for a $70 game and family/legacy style play is almost non-existent.
Also: is interesting.
I will not be buying this nor procuring it (it is really an EA ripoff) until they fix it. They should never have published it until it was ready. Who am I kidding, it's EA.