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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: All Game Sound Shuts Off
on: 2010 September 01, 13:04:49
I lowered the sound quality and it helped, but didn't stop it entirely. Did you lower sound quality to "Low" or "Middle"? I have noticed when I have the task manager open on my second monitor that when the sound goes out, the CPU usage jumps from approx. 50-55% to 100% and stays there for awhile. When the sound starts again, the usage drops back down.
Yea, that's what I've discovered, too.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: All Game Sound Shuts Off
on: 2010 August 14, 19:28:27
Please try lowering sound quality in options. After a re-install it was automatically set to high in my game and I had these sound issues, too. Then I set the quality to Low, which does not mean that it sounds worse. Only less sounds are being played at the same time. This solved the problem for me.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2010 January 30, 14:51:07
Well, if people would tell me what twisted thing they've done to their neighborhood so I can figure out what is going into a loop and detect it...
I did nothing special to my Nhood. Its Sunset Valley, and the loop once occured in one of the three big houses south of the town park. One sim stood before the fridge, had the SC action "Eat", but obviously couldn't reach the fridge. When I cancelled the action though, and had him manually open the fridge, it worked. Just guessing: maybe he had another urgent action to fulfill (for his needs were badly low) and now couldnt decide which to do first and so switched between the two actions endlessly? A thing I have to understand: I said before that I don't use SC for macros. So, when SC decides to use them on random sims on his own, this is a one shot action and happens on purpose? I took it for a bug. As long as I'm having issues with this feature, I would like to turn it off. Is this possible by changing some options in the config tool, and if yes, then which are they?
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2010 January 30, 02:39:20
In my game, a lag occurs every now and then. When that happens, I can almost be sure that Supreme Commander has taken control over a random sim and forces him to do something he can't - so it results in a loop. I never use SC for any of the macro actions by myself (because when I do, even only on one sim, the game slows down), so I'm pretty sure the program does something it shouldn't. I then have to take control of the mistreated sim and stop the SC-control before I can go on playing.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: EA store stuff in *.dbc format - a torrent
on: 2010 January 06, 20:28:01
To anyone that's having trouble with playing games saved in Riverview,
Put the file in C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Worlds like Witch instructed. Next, you must delete the file from your InstalledWorlds folder in your Documents to get it to work correctly.
So, double-check to make sure you've done this.
Thank you. I have the file in Worlds, but didn't know that I have to delete the other file.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Using Aging Off/Story Mode Off - game takes 18 minutes to save
on: 2009 July 14, 17:45:50
One thing from AwesomeMod that might be increasing bloat exponentially, is all the non-cleared inventories and needs/wants for each sim in each household you guys play. Not only that, but in a normal game you don't get to control furniture in more than one home at a time, but I believe Awesome lets you do that as well (correct me if I'm mistaken, I personally don't ever play more than 1 house at a time). My current game is a medium sized 20x30 with 1 sim on it (move-in g/f soon), and not a lot of stuff in storage. Personal sim inventory is getting up there with fruits/veggies and fish, and there is a sizeable garden outside, but nothing glorious. That, combined with the fact my computer is highly tuned and fairly fast, is probably what is keeping my saves really quick (latest was 15 seconds). I have no doubt if I started to play every sim in 6 households, have each one with a custom inventory, and manage all their houses simultaneously, that my save would bloat tremendously. I guess that may just be the price you pay for playing God.  Tested with NoInventoryDestruction disabled (the wishes aren't disableable), and it still takes 10 minutes to save. And my NB is the default one, no empty download.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Using Aging Off/Story Mode Off - game takes 18 minutes to save
on: 2009 July 13, 01:50:27
I stumbled into this problem lately, when I got my first Error 12 messages. Along with that, saving, be it successful or not, was taking more and more time. Searching for what's causing this I did a few tests:
Two Neighborhoods, number one: week 1, day 4. Number Two: week 31, day 7.
Took every mod out except Awesome, and then took even that out. I let those Neighborhoods run just a few seconds, then saved. This took normally about 40 seconds, except the constellation I'm usually playing with, the week 31, day 7 one, with Awesome in. This one took 13 minutes to save. And as the game progresses, this time will even grow further as it did until now. So I can choose between several unacceptable choices: not to save much often by risking an error 12 rendering hours of playing useless, or, saving often and not having any game flow at all, or, taking Awesome completely out and having an unacceptlable gameplay this way. None of these choices is appealing to me. Never heard of the Indie mod, though, maybe I should look into that.
Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
on: 2008 December 30, 15:31:47
@#57: Oh Pescado, forgive me my heretic thoughts. How could I have doubted your uniqueness and greatness, your infallibility and simplicity. Your catchpoles are already behind me, please keep them away! Be assured that I didn't mean to expect anything. I just tried to make a proposal, not knowing that even this is a grave sin!
@#58: Thank you for the explanation.
Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
on: 2008 December 29, 13:35:06
Why should using cheats to get my sims more money be better than make use of the apartment exploit? No way. I'll find out what the magicwand thing is, and if I don't like it, I'll go for apthack in-and-out. Which, in fact, is using the exploit, just in an uncomfortable way. Because I like the other features of this hack. So why not put the exploit fix into an extra fix, so everyone could decide for themselves if they want to fix it. I for one, don't move into an apartment because I think "OH, my sims get a lot of money when they move out". I want them to live there, that's the fun.
Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People!
on: 2008 December 28, 12:20:51
I'm not really satisfied with all "features" of this hack. I appreciate apartments as a possibility for graduates to have their own home which they can afford. Now, as they have to pay an initial price, they can't afford even the cheapest apartment on the trailer lot - and so do other poor sims. (I play with no20khandouts). Could the apthack possibly be modified to solve this or do I have to take it out of Downloads every time I want another sim to move into an apartment?
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Invisible apartment neighbours.
on: 2008 December 11, 15:52:27
I found out that an outdated version of nounneededcoats is causing this. Theres a newer version with which the interior disappears as it should - but it still causes neighbors to be invisible. I'm glad that nounneededcoats is mostly - well, 'unneeded'. Nothing essential like notownieregen or such, so I can leave it out  And: it's not a Pescado hack, finally.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Invisible apartment neighbours.
on: 2008 December 11, 13:39:06
Hmm... I had hoped to find help here, but it seems that almost noone is experiencing this problem. I have exactly the same as you netza, and if you still read here, I would like to know if you use Pescados hacks. Because I have made a test with and without them, and the problem only occurs with those hacks in downloads. The fix option in the debugger only works once. When the neighbors disappear again, this option isn't available. Moreof, normally it's expected that the interior of the neighbor's apartments disappears when the player-controlled sims leave. But with Pescados hacks in, it stays visible. But that's not so annoying to me, while the invisible neighbors are. That kept me from playing Sims for awhile, but now I am willing to search for the reason. Guess I have to do the 50:50 thing with Pescados hacks. This can take a while of testing, because some of them reset the game when put in or out - and make therefore invisible Sims visible.
Darcyland / Lord Darcy Investigates / Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2008/10/19)
on: 2008 October 20, 16:16:31
I discovered another menu that's messed up in German. It's the "Meet group...", introduced by Nightlife. Options are doubled here, but one of them leads only to "Just for fun", while the other leads to both "Just for fun" and "For an outing".
----------------------------------------------------------------- Editing function here is also messed up, so I give precise info about "Meet group" here:
1) Gruppe einladen - Nur zum Spaß / Zu einem Ausflug 2) Gruppe auf Gemeinschaftsgrundstück treffen - Nur zum Spaß 3) Gruppe auf Gemeinschaftsgrundstück treffen... - Zu einem Ausflug
Same here as in several other menus: One option with 3 dots, one without (why the hell did they do that?). 2) and 3) should be merged together.
Moderator edit: Inline modify button seems to be unstable. Use regular Modify button on top of the topic instead.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED]
on: 2008 September 13, 01:40:50
I am experiencing game crashes, even already on loading screen. The whole neighborhood becomes unplayable after it has crashed once. Since I took all downloads out to find the reason, I think it could be caused by something in the installation folder that has been changed. The AL templates were made with a not-yet stable version of SimPe, so they could be the reason. They might be not, maybe something is wrong with my hard disk. Just to exclude possible reasons I'm asking you who use this template: are you experiencing any crashes?
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff
on: 2008 September 03, 03:03:56
Thanks Richief, a question though, does the Cubic chair show up for you without any problems? It seems to have some missing textures (?) or is it just me?
The same here.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED]
on: 2008 September 02, 12:53:47
Hmm. Someone reported that for the new social groups and witches, it's enough to delete their template character data, then the game will create new ones based on someone's very own templates, and everything should work fine. Would you people agree or am I overlooking something?