Thank you so much for this mod!!! I don't have a lot of custom skins on my sims but I did figure out how to put AllenABQ's body hair skins on my beloved Maxis sims and I was SO disappointed when I found out they had to go back to default to be werewolves!! THANK YOU!!
Incidentally, I had a sim turn another sim into a werewolf and I do NOT LIKE IT AT ALL!! Why is it getting turned into a bloodsucking creature that dies in the sunlight is a GOOD thing, but when you get turned into a werewolf you lose a fight, lose a best friend, and get furious at the sim who did it to you?
Makes no damn sense to me... Guess all my sims will get Turned from the pack leader to avoid such conflicts.
Also, yes, the memories do need to be fixed and I'm sure they will in a patch. My Family sim who was turned by her Knowledge husband's pack leader friend quite unexpectedly also has a "bad" memory of being cured...