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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Updater (v2.7 - Updated 8/24/2011) on: 2011 August 28, 02:16:04
Hey, this started happening a little while ago. I have no idea what is causing it (I'm pretty sure it's the FPS limiter?) but sometimes (it's completely random too) when I boot up The Sims 3 there's a FPS display in the top left hand corner. It's green text, and like I said it's completely random that it appears. It doesn't stop anything from working or anything like that, it's just that because the text is both large and bright it gets a little distracting to have it up there. Does anyone know why it's doing that?
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Questions about EPs(patches) and AwesomeMod... on: 2011 August 18, 23:12:31
Thanks, that was really helpful, it's good to know that the program is updated to quickly definitely leaves less to worry about when I patch!
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Questions about EPs(patches) and AwesomeMod... on: 2011 August 18, 02:51:55
So, I have currently every EP except for Generations, and no stuff packs. The game is completely updated, and I have AwesomeMod installed (Thank you so much for the existence of this mod it's (well) awesome). I was directed here by a website which said that AM wasn't update all the way to the most recent patch (Ignored it because it's easy to delete a package/restart a game for me so it didn't matter) whether or not that was true the mod works beautifully on my game with no errors or anything of the sort so far. However...
In the future if I choose to install EPs as soon as they come out/patches as soon as they are available, will the mod begin to behave badly?
Is it better to wait a few weeks before installing EPs/updates? How quickly does the mod usually catch up with updates? (obviously EPs can be a bit more indepth to catch up to/add new features and what not)
There's a few noobish questions for you, I poked the search a bit but didn't have any idea what to search up to get the exact answers.
And again, thanks, this mod makes my game so much more fun to play.
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