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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 26, 02:53:01
It looks like jeromygraig has a new pet following him around the place.

Actually, Jeromygraig (as you've called him) followed *me* over to that other thread, not the other way around, and just to say MOAR useless and unintelligible things. So, this new "yeah, she's following me around" kick he's on is actually pure bullshit. Watch. I'll bet he can't stop himself from posting on any other thread I show my face in. So lame. So, so lame.

Personally, I like rohina's spelling of his name better... Jermy just seems more.... fitting.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 26, 01:33:07
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 25, 23:55:33
Well, Jeromycraig, you've actually said something that I could almost consider.... dare I say, slightly humorous?
Unfortunate that it was only a fluke. I mean, after over a thousand posts, probability is that there must be at least ONE post that shows a sign of intelligence. I witnessed history, today.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 25, 23:43:25
If you had read a few posts back, Jeromycraig, you would have seen that rohina discouraged me from doing so by telling me that I had no power to do it.
(rohina, how about moving it to Retardo Land?)

I would miss you though, Jeromycraig. Truly. My favorite color is maroon. (I kid you not.)
Hey don't take everything so personally, Jeromycraig. We are here on MATY, you know. All in good fun, right?
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 25, 23:33:07
To Jeromycraig,

I can just sense your complete unattractiveness in real life. You are probably an extremely puddin' faced in human form, as well as in spirit  Jeromycraig. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just have this intense feeling of revulsion every time you speak. I can only imagine what I would find if confronting you face to face. Oops, I almost vomited at the very thought.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Twinbrook: Pudding Pied! on: 2010 September 25, 23:03:52
I have no problem with you clogging up my thread, but why bother here? Everything you say is useless, anyway. Stop trying to make me feel smaller than you. It will never happen.
Now, I'm not going to clog up this thread with you. Come to my thread and give it to me good (or not so good, Jeromycraig).

Also, unless you are as unintelligent as you seem, you do know what I'm talking about when I ask whether or not something bad will happen if I delete Sims randomly. I remember people getting called Tards for NOT knowing that it would happen in TS2....
Now, moving on. I'm still hoping to hear an informed opinion.

And one other thing... You know what's strange...?
Oh, screw it. Come read this at my thread and leave this one be. I'm copying it over to mine.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Twinbrook: Pudding Pied! on: 2010 September 25, 20:57:33
Looking really good, indeed.

Some of the Sims from Twinbrook, well, I just want to delete them. In general it feels like there are too many. It has nothing to do with your work, just Twinbrook alone seems more packed than it should be. What happens if you delete a sim before playing in the Sims 3? Will that bork your game as badly as it did in TS2? With this version of Twinbrook, judging by your description, you have already played it a bit (just to bodysnatch the Sims), so would my safest bet me to kill them off rather than deleting their homes with them in it? (It sounds awful when I put it that way...) What would be the best way to rid this town of a few Sims that seem extraneous?

Going to give this a try anyway, so thanks very much, Myskaal.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 25, 05:36:50
Oops, I thought I had that power. I guess someone *does* object, then.
Okay, spork away then! I'm ready for more, baby.

Do you really have to announce every little mundane task you perform?

"BREAKING NEWS:  Having relieved myself, I shall now blot my lady parts with a tissue."
I just caught this post... it was that easy ignore, I guess.
But God, JeromyCraig, (and I say this with a big grin on my face) you are so freaking lame. Just keep going. Keep trying. Eventually, you may actually say something that someone cares to hear.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 25, 05:04:24
If this pastiche of sentence fragments and smilies was intended to make me hate you, instead of being indifferent, congrats, it worked.

Oh, alright. Unfortunately for me, being hated by you does not make me feel unique in any way. Alas, I am just one of many. If, on the other hand, you professed your love (or even like) for me, I might feel like the only person in the world. (I refrained from using another a smiley right here, just to cool down your hatred for me before your back end erupts, much like a whale might do.)

Just an update:
Sadly, unless anyone objects, I'm closing this thread since there is a whole thread on this very topic. I am going to leave it for tonight to let anyone who wants a last word have at it. I hate to end the fun, but I also hate to leave a useless thread open. I would like to thank you all for participating. In particular, I would like to thank a few very (un)special people (Claeric, Jeeves and Jeromycraig) for making me realize that there truly are people more useless and moronic than myself. (I really could have used a smiley here.)

Oh, and thanks for answering my question! (I hate to gloat, but.....)
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 24, 19:15:14
Could I just point out that Opium Girl has been here since 2006, posting the same retarded shit. Those of you who think pointing out her stupidity is somehow going to make a difference might as well waste your time smashing your heads up against the brick wall that is the Whale.

My point, exactly.

For the record, I *am* hip, I just can't help it...(e-hem)   Grin but, if I really, really wanted to be hip, I would have more posts and hang around more often. Perhaps I hope for a little love when I am around. Love me when I'm gone..... (singing).
The most posts I ever made in one spread was on ugly sims. People got really touchy about it. Geez. Sorry, but so many Sims are just plain ugly, yet there are all these kids who scream "ooooo hawwwwt!", and, upon seeing the same images, well I'm usually saying "Ugh, I just vomited in my mouth for a moment." I don't care if you like me or not for it.   Grin

Before that, I was always very civil. Kiss

EDIT 1:  Nothing could ever make me hate you, rohina. Have at me, say what you will, I'll never budge. Smiley

 Just a note:
If I had secretly been *lying* about getting my game all fixed, then it *may* just be that I got someone to divulge the information I needed a few posts back.  Roll Eyes
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 24, 02:13:21
Yawn. On to the next poster, then.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: SUPPORT THE MUNICIPALITY! on: 2010 September 23, 23:24:00
Do you accept Hooters gift cards?  Do you?
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 23, 22:47:46
God, finally there has been some intelligent meanness. Thank you.

Now, I want to clarify, and will do so in my previous post. When I say "you guys" I mean these people:


They were the main posts, the ones that posted completely useless things, and they were my focus. They are completely lame, and not just here in this thread have I seen it. I know I'm not the only one who agrees.
I actually enjoyed reading the new posts. I kept waiting for Witch to join in, because she knows her shit. I have felt, more than once that when she was being mean to someone, I should feel ashamed of myself. Now, that is the real thing, my friends, when one can do such voodoo.  Grin

There, I have amended my last post to clarify. Thanks for your constant understanding and patience, my good people. ( of course, that doesn't include: (Claeric, Jeeves, Jeromycraig)), because they are useless. I will happily amend these posts at any point if/when I feel I've met another useless moron.  Just look for your name in red lights.   Grin

I told you in the beginning that I was retarded. Why does everyone feel the need to exclaim my retardation as though it is an original thought? Could it be because there are many retards here who need to hear it that many times to understand? Yes, I think that could be the answer I seek.

14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 23, 07:00:13
Well, I got everything working first time around, no thanks to you guys.  Tongue
Today I have proven to myself that I am only retarded in spirit.

Although most won't admit this just out of meanness,  Wink I did figure out why there were no real responses to my thread.
It is because it was a ton of work, listing all of the patches that came one after another, etc and so forth. I would have called the OP retarded and wasted her time rather than work on a long, detailed post like that. Some of you are just evil and wouldn't help out Mother Theresa if she asked for a bowl of rice.  Cheesy (I know, she's not with us anymore. I'm sure she had eaten rice at some point in her long life.)

I will state for the record, that this process was not difficult. It was just time consuming and annoying to have to download all of the patches and sit around while they installed, etc. Overall, not too bad with a cup of coffee and a good book.

MATY is full of a$$holes and I love ya. But, not as much as I used to.

The thing that I came to in all of this is that it always WAS/IS fun to watch Pescado at work. When he makes fun of someone, it isn't usually out of plain meanness, and it is almost always witty and well placed. Some of you (Claeric, Jeeves, Jeromycraig) take that and ruin it by not making any sense at all when being evil. I felt like I could blush from embarrassment Embarrassed  for some of you because of the ridiculous comments you made. Some (ok, most) were SO lame and lacked any wit or humor, I felt like I was in the midst of a grammar school playground of angry, friendless brats who will inevitably grow up to be social morons. (Claeric, Jeeves, Jeromycraig) (Oh my, and here we are...) Most of the kids who are just mean to be mean and belittle people, they are the ones who were picked on relentlessly, or have had some sort of Freudian trauma in their lives (small anatomy, perhaps?), (Claeric, Jeeves, Jeromycraig) Roll Eyes hence have never really moved on from feeling like children who want to feel big. (Claeric, Jeeves, Jeromycraig)

At least Pescado has intelligent humor. You guys pale in comparison. (Claeric, Jeeves, Jeromycraig) (Most of those who posted here, anyway) The ones who are actually witty, are somewhat well adjusted in life and have survived here even with the new crowd... well, you know who you are, and you're probably just as bored with these morons (Claeric, Jeeves, Jeromycraig) as I am.  Cool

15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 23, 03:53:43

You're too smart for me. Can't get anything past you.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 23, 03:40:10
I wouldn't trust the information you've got, anyway, Jesslla.  Kiss

Oh, welcome back Jeeves!
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 23, 03:33:51
Oh, ok.

Still, I'm logging the steps I've taken and will post them for anyone who is interested. Not for jeromycraig, though. He's not interested cause he's too smart.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 23, 02:36:36
My, my, they just keep getting wittier and wittier. That one was ingenious. Thanks for putting me in my place.  Roll Eyes
Unfortunately (for you), I'm not going anywhere. I enjoy being reamed. It makes me feel at peace, knowing someone is more miserable than me.
Nice try at getting me out of here, buddy, though a bit of a lame attempt.  Roll Eyes

I have been cataloging the steps I've taken installing the EPs and Stuff Packs, so I will post it when/if I get everything up and running correctly for those who are looking for info.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 22, 22:02:13

All that salt-fucking might make one more *bitter* than salty....  Roll Eyes

I actually just ran into some information for anyone who came into this thread to learn something.
I never know really how much to believe when I read it on different sites, but it's always good to have different opinions. What I hoped for myself here was to gain knowledge from someone who had actually done it. Smellyarmando (I'm sorry I called you smelly) offered some expertise, for which I am molto grateful. Since no one mature (and informed) would probably have stomach enough to read to the bottom of this thread, let alone respond to it,  I may never get any real information.  Roll Eyes
Anyway, I found this of MTS. Not sure how the linking system here works anymore, so I'll explain that if you 'google' MTS 'Game_Help:TS3_PatchingEPSP', it will bring you to some info which you might, at very least, add to your arsenal.

20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 22, 21:50:55
This is getting boring.
You seem like too smart a fellow (or gal) to be wasting your time with petty and unimaginative tit for tats like that. But, I guess it's not my business what you do with your time, Tsenatserix.

It would be "more stupider" for a person to blindly install everything. I took the "safe" route to ask my fellow simmers and walked into a den of wolves...  Cheesy And though I made it out in tact, I am no more informed than before. I think.... I think I actually *lost* some brain cells in this conversation.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 22, 21:09:00
No, no! Not CRAPPY! It came from my heart!

(This has nothing to do with you, snowbawl. I just happened to be on my way to say:)

It used to be much easier to get help here. While it's fun making fun of people who think you're ignorant for making fun of the ignorant (which makes *them* ignorant to humor and wit), I much more enjoyed getting answers and having them be what the MAIN topic was.

I will rise to the times... but will the real SlimMATY please stand up? I miss actually talking shop. Where are all the evil AND witty AND smart AND helpful people that were willing to help during ye olden days? I didn't care if they were mean. At least they added useful things. Smiley

22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 22, 20:54:26
 In my eyes, you will always be a winner. For being YOU. (I got that from a Hallmark Card)
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 22, 20:48:57
OMG, you people are so ignorant!  

It's from the fucking LATIN, which means it is, in fact, spelled "PER SE" and NOTHING ELSE! I know, I know, "but you pronounce it purr say" - and I'm here to tell you that Latin doesn't give a rat's ass about how retarded you must be to have to have everything spelled to conform to *your* version of pronunciation in a language that didn't even fucking EXIST yet at the time this phrase was coined. Oh cold cruel world indeed.

Edumacation, get u sum.

Wow, gee.... I had no idea.  Roll Eyes I really thought the Urban Dictionary was all that there was.
You have no sense of humor and are way behind on the wit. It's useless, isn't it....

You WIN the smart people award today. Thank you for the bit of advice.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 22, 02:17:19
Two retards and a very good speller/spellie/spelter? Sounds a bit.. smutty and obscene.
I'm in.

Here's a bit of info I found while searching around for answers.

I wonder if anyone can verify that the patches in between are crucial, or if the patches are already included in the newer expansions. If I remember correctly, with TS2 the patches would be included in the newer ones most times.
I also wonder if these steps are more important because they are cracked games, or would they be the same for the retail versions?

I've already begun the process of installing, so I'll find out soon enough, but I'm still curious as to what you guys think since I have no idea how much that guy *really* knows outside of the whole torrent and crack process, though he does mention MATY a couple times in the article and certainly does sound like he knows what he's talking about in ways. Perhaps one needs to be more careful and specific when using those. I don't know. It's obvious that English is not this guy's native tongue, so don't be too hard on him. Smiley I deserve it, but he doesn't, heh.

If I installed all the games, one after another ending with the most recent (which happens to be Fast Lane Stuff, if I'm not mistaken), and didn't open the game once until the Fast Lane Stuff was installed, would I be safe just ending with that and then patching it (if there even is a patch for that yet)? Would all of the patches be included as each addon was installed?

I know somebody knows what they're talking about where this is concerned. I've seen enough knowledge in this place to write an Encyclopaedia Sims.

I'll wait it out until that special someone comes along, and whistle a happy tune.

25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question About Order of Installation & Patching on: 2010 September 22, 02:10:35
I'm glad you asked that. My answer happens to be, yes, yes they should. Why, you ask?
Well, this is why, my friend, Jeeves.

Per se is a perfectly acceptable way of spelling it. Spoken by the people in the Urban Dictionary.  Cheesy While it may not be your definition of *correct*, it is still perfectly acceptable. I will still be loved if I use it out in general public, even if you, Jeeves, do not appreciate or love me for it.  Roll Eyes

Edit to add:
Taken from the Urban Dictionary:
Latin borrowing meaning "in and of itself", used in certain fairly specific, idiomatic contexts in casual English. Is typically used with a negative to indicate that a term being used is understood to be imprecise or off-the-mark (i.e., not accurate 'per se') in a case where the term is nevertheless useful to an explanation. Usually followed by an explanation or justification for the use of the term indicated. It is as well sometimes used preceding a term indicated, especially in more formal (e.g., legal) usage. In these contexts, usually used in the positive to reinforce a characterisation as fundamentally being the case (i.e., 'per se' accurate).

"It's not that I consider it a 'joke' per se. It's just that I don't think it takes the subject quite seriously enough, under the circumstances."

Now that we've got that out of the way, is there anyone who might be interested in saying something a bit more..... helpful? I have learned that I am retarded, along with another friend who happened to share my disability quite equally, here on this forum.

Though it is not in my nature to be unkind, I happen to have no issue giving back any sh*t that is slung in my direction. Once it's slung, it's fair game, and so are you. Plus, I don't take it personally and even enjoy a good bout of banter.  Roll Eyes

Anyway, I'd still love some information. Perhaps we can mix a little useful information into our commentary? What say you? What say we? Per se, smart-arse and so forth? Amen?

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