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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2011 November 03, 00:59:47
I was using the TS3W application, and I seemed to be doing things well enough up until 1.26 happened. That being said, I'm going to see if a nice reinstall might make it shape up.
Sars, I found that completely uninstalling every mod, redownloading AM and configuring it using the web-based configurer, and not using the AM-updating launcher works, and that using the launcher causes AM to break. Give it a test, report back with your findings. Sorry, I've been a long time in responding, but I tried your suggestion this morning and sadly it didn't work. Again, I haven't had problems due to Doing It Wrong in the past, and I re-installed everything in the same place that I've always installed it, but I still can't manage to bypass the NoCD check. Have you tried using Twallian NoCD? Yeah, and that didn't work either. After "fixing" my game through darker and more shameful means, however, I have found that none of my CC wants to show up. This sounds a lot like something that's been mentioned in several other threads, so I'll go look over there.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2011 November 02, 19:46:00
I was using the TS3W application, and I seemed to be doing things well enough up until 1.26 happened. That being said, I'm going to see if a nice reinstall might make it shape up.
Sars, I found that completely uninstalling every mod, redownloading AM and configuring it using the web-based configurer, and not using the AM-updating launcher works, and that using the launcher causes AM to break. Give it a test, report back with your findings. Sorry, I've been a long time in responding, but I tried your suggestion this morning and sadly it didn't work. Again, I haven't had problems due to Doing It Wrong in the past, and I re-installed everything in the same place that I've always installed it, but I still can't manage to bypass the NoCD check.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2011 October 23, 21:53:47
I'm pretty damn sure I left it as "enabled" in the three attempts I made at ensuring it was configured properly. I thought it might have been a case of tight pants, because I had Twallan's NoCD mod just for good measure, but before this patch it's never been a problem before. Ugh.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread
on: 2011 October 23, 20:31:59
Why is it that even though I've enabled the CD-check bypass, my game still checks for a CD? This is a huge problem since I don't actually have one, and I'd like to avoid using a crack. It's most definitely a user-end problem, or other people would have been complaining about it by now. I've combed through my mods and made sure that they were all either updated or removed, and I even removed the custom clothes/hair/furniture to be safe, all to no avail. Twallan's NoCD mod doesn't work either, and I'm at my wit's end.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Laptop Recommendations?
on: 2011 September 02, 18:34:49
Anything's better than HP, though. I can't think of a single HP laptop that my family's owned that hasn't wound up with a blacked-out screen, a cooling system that nearly bursts into flames, or a power plug that starts sparking and smoking (and yet my father insists on continuing to buy them). Fuck HP, they should just stick to printers.
AND IN CASE IT IS NOT ALREADY CLEAR, knightguy, I am talking to you first and foremost. Do not give them your money for a laptop, it will only end in tears and scorched carpeting!
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations seems to be killing WA Gameplay
on: 2011 August 26, 18:56:19
I know I installed Generations much later than most other people; before that I played WA extensively with other EPs and had no problem at all with it. So I assumed it was a problem with Generations, hence my question, reinforced by my reading on other boards. There is one thread here about Generations, which is nearly 3 months old, so I did not post there. By User documentation I meant the files in my My Documents folder. What I was saying was I generated a new, clean game, and STILL had a non-arrival.
As for you, unknown|User, if you are not offering help or information, GBYH.
And you didn't post in the appropriate thread because... ? OH LOOK, it's demonstrating its firm belief that it is exempt from the rules. Titlights, you're clearly moar speshulier than everyone else, and clearly we do not appreciate the delicacy of your speshul genius-feelings, so perhaps you should stop posting.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod is, well, Awesome - New Version & Install
on: 2011 June 22, 21:31:00
Oh dear, it sounds like you forgot to delete your caches--this can be done by dragging the Game/Bin folder for the base game (Sims 3) over to the trash bin and deleting it. That should reduce the load-time and prevent your game from crashing.
That's kind of mean. Sorry, but killing and eating my broodmates seems to be de rigueur around here, especially if they can't do a search for their own answers.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod is, well, Awesome - New Version & Install
on: 2011 June 22, 15:27:13
Do you feel better now? I'm tired of trying to get help and getting the curses and bad attitude. If you only put as much effort into helping as you do in showing yourselves to be small and having such fragile egos that you need to put others down, problems would be resolved much more quickly!
However, since I don't define myself by your tirades, I'd already patched my game (since the 1.19 patch screwed up my game for 2 months I was understandably reluctant to do this) and now the game won't load. Loads without AM - just sits on the load screen running tips with AM installed. I checked the "bug" thread but the wizard was his usual unhelpful, foul-mouthed self with an individual with a similar problem. I didn't use the updater - didn't know what it was until I read that thread but it doesn't seem as though it is necessary. I just updated AM the way I've always done, including running a new aweconf...
Now I'll run over to the bug thread and see if someone HELPFUL can assist me!
______________________ Cursing is an indication of a lack of imagination...
Oh dear, it sounds like you forgot to delete your caches--this can be done by dragging the Game/Bin folder for the base game (Sims 3) over to the trash bin and deleting it. That should reduce the load-time and prevent your game from crashing. Hope this helps, and sorry about all the swears!
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: TSM for TS3
on: 2011 June 20, 18:50:22
I just wanted to show my appreciation and thank you, Cocomama, for all of your amazing conversions--there must be at least a hundred things you did for us!! And thank you everyone, for the other links as well! Dear God, do the people shout "Howdy, neighbor!" to each other unironically where you live? You see, I *would* just click the Thanks button and leave it at that, but maybe you can explain to me why every time I click Thanks my Windows Media Player opens?.... Until then: Thank you thank you thank youuuu Coco!!!! *kisses, and drooling, and washing your feet with my hair* I'm so happy you're converting the clothes; I could cry! *girly squeal* I've got Windows Vista, btw. I hope this isn't some sort of virus in my system. >_< I don't like my brood-mates.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod is, well, Awesome - New Version & Install
on: 2011 June 20, 15:18:13
You might want to keep in mind that there are some "HEIL GRAMMAR types" pretty high up in the pecking order around here, so yeah.
And EVERYONE should keep in mind that it's the Internet, and the Internet is made of antimatter and therefore who cares what a bunch of fake people (pecking order ) on a forum say? Although I still encourage proper grammar. "Fake people?" What the hell does that mean--are you all chatbots?