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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What is AM Story mode looking for in a house?
on: 2017 April 09, 04:49:26
The thing is, I'm not seeing any moves.
What I am seeing is lots of failures to move or split households and failures to place townies, multiple times per day.
- There are plenty of lots that homeless sims can afford that are suitable, but AM attempts to place them and fails. - I am no longer seeing any messages that a family was moved for breeding space, so I assume those moves are failing too. - I'm not seeing any breeding taking place, even when families have spare beds & spare crib, so again, I am assuming their lots aren't suitable. - In a town with plenty of singles, I am seeing maybe one romance interaction a week. Usually at least one (if not both) of the sims involved are homeless. I think that the aggressive pushing of move interactions may be shutting out romance interactions.
I had this happening with the AM before the most recent one, and it is still happening. I didn't play for a while, so I don't know how far back this change in storymode's behaviour goes.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / What is AM Story mode looking for in a house?
on: 2017 April 08, 14:00:37
Have the rules changed for AM's story mode when it comes to putting sims in houses? Story mode is pushing the action to move sims around far more aggressively than it used to (to the extent that it is barely pushing romance or breeding actions), and is trying to move households out of lots that are suitable for them.
The rules as I understand them are that each lot must have as a bare minimum: - sufficient beds (a mix of single & double) - a crib for each toddler/baby - toilet & shower - fridge & stove & food counter
What am I missing? Do the beds now all need to be non-Kewian based? Do I need to add a washing machine to each lot? Do I need to add a bath instead of a shower?
After seeing this change in an existing neighbourhood I was playing, I started a new neighbourhood in JFade's world (where the houses all have at least one crib and the neighbourhood was designed to be AM compatible), and I'm still seeing the same issue.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here
on: 2015 July 14, 00:30:20
WCIF a mod that prevents invisible limo spam?
If a sim I'm playing (or one of their near neighbours) is in a career where their work car is the limo (e.g. in the upper levels of the music or business careers) I end up with thousands of invisible limos created every day. This slows down my game.
AwesomeMod will remove these limos if I use "towderelicts". Twallan's Overwatch will automatically remove them at 3am every night.
However, prevention is better than cure, and I'd like to prevent these limos from being created at all. Does anyone know if there's a mod that does this?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Door Jam Fix
on: 2014 September 10, 01:17:09
You'd probably be better off moving the sink to outside the bathroom, and then putting the shower where the sink is.
Mim wasn't talking about the door, and your response about the doors closing automatically wasn't relevant to the point she raised. Mim was pointing out the obvious: your sims are not going to be able to get to the toilet or the sink while the shower is in the way.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
on: 2014 September 06, 04:12:31
My geek sim was sad because I didn't throw her a birthday party. I never throw birthday parties for my sims - the last one I threw was years ago, in TS2, for Johnny Smith the last time I restarted Strangetown. I only threw that party because it's unavoidable if you want to play the Smith family.
Can we have a stomp on that moodlet, I don't see why a geek sim (who doesn't know anyone outside her household anyway) should be sad because I ~didn't~ invite a ton of strangers around to help her celebrate her birthday. It seems to me that not having strangers about is a reason to be happy.
I found that my Geek Sim was perfectly happy when I baked him a cake and made him blow out the candles; he was Happy about his "birthday party." So I don't think you have to go through the whole party thing. The same thing happened with her son when he grew into a teen. I was trying to squeeze out the last point of mental skill for his childhood aspiration, so didn't want to age him up until the last possible minute. Aging up a sim using cake takes my sims away from whatever I've told them to do, and is a waste of time since the sim will age up anyway without one, so I'd really like the "sad moodlet because I didn't get a party/cake" thing stomped regardless of the sim's traits or age. I gave him the loner trait when he turned 12, but his social is draining faster than anyone else in the family. I would have thought a loner would have had a slower social drain rate. This is my first household in the game, and this is the first 12 I've played so I don't know if the faster social drain is a glitch with the loner trait or if it's because he's a 12. If it's a glitch, it needs to be stomped. IIRC, there was a mod in the Director's Cut for Sims 2 that would stop sims from traipsing all over the house to find a chair to sit & drink coffee, the mod forced the sims to use a closer chair. I think we need a version of that for eating in Sims 4. Don't take your food into the living room to eat sitting on the sofa just because there's someone to talk to in there, when there's a perfectly good chair & table in the room you're in.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
on: 2014 September 05, 14:59:20
My geek sim was sad because I didn't throw her a birthday party. I never throw birthday parties for my sims - the last one I threw was years ago, in TS2, for Johnny Smith the last time I restarted Strangetown. I only threw that party because it's unavoidable if you want to play the Smith family.
Can we have a stomp on that moodlet, I don't see why a geek sim (who doesn't know anyone outside her household anyway) should be sad because I ~didn't~ invite a ton of strangers around to help her celebrate her birthday. It seems to me that not having strangers about is a reason to be happy.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2014 April 21, 22:17:13
I have no problems downloading AM from here but there isn't any point, since it's the version I'm already using, which started giving me the core mismatch expiration message yesterday. I was suprised when I got the message - I thought Pescado had taken the expiry thing out of AM, since now there are no more patches/SPs/EPs it isn't necessary any more. EDIT: To fix stupid error caused by posting before my first cuppa for the day. A shame I didn't catch it before this post was quoted.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2013 October 30, 03:27:16
Will AwesomeMod be updated to take into account some of the new objects from ITF?
- AM doesn't recognise the holo-Computer as a computer when skilling writing or when building fun. This is a portable computer that doesn't need a table & chairs (sims stand up to use it), and can be kept in a sim's inventory. - The Sonic Shower isn't recognised as a shower. The upgraded version of this object has power cleanse, which gives a 5 hour moodlet where the sim's hygiene won't drop. - The all-in-one showers aren't recognised. They are a quick way to deal with bladder and hygiene at the same time.
There's a new collectible, nanites. Could we have nanites added to the collect macro?
Also, can we have the skillinator updated to take into new skills from the last few EPs, including bot building from ITF.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 May 16, 21:53:29
Sims with Chosen and/or Track on Radar are unable to receive their extra traits from social group influence and degree.
Can you elaborate more on this? Apparently some of those traits are supposed to be invisible, so you may not see them. What causes those traits, and what happens if you acquire those traits while Chosen/Radar is not on?
This happens to me also. When a sim gets the extra trait from social influence or finishing a degree, the trait is supposed to be listed with de other traits. The extra traits are not invisible. But the new traits are not showing up on the chosen sims. This problem only occurs with the chosen sims, not the rest. I have also experienced another weird problem. After finishing the university degree, the sims are supposed to travel back home, but somehow they get stuck in the university world, with no where to live, and nothing to do. They just walk the streets. No car is picking them up and taking them home. If I try "resetsim *" they just disappear, and Im still stuck in university world. I have tried to go to edit town and go back to the neighbourhood but my sim is not there either, and I can't change household because of the moving. This happens 50% of the time, and its really annoying to have to start all over again. Has anyone experienced the same problem? What to do? I have the lastest version of Awesomemod installed. (Btw, thanks for making AwesomeMod, the game is nothing without it!) Heidi A workaround for the first problem is to removed the chosen trait from your sims while they're at uni. They don't need it there anyway, as story mode doesn't apply there. The second problem is not an AM problem. I've had it in two neighbourhoods now, both times when a sim went back to uni the second time (or a second sim went to uni). Try putting Twallan's Traveller mod in your game, and then using the phone to drop the sim out of university after they've graduated and received their extra trait, or after they've received their results for the term. If that doesn't help, take a look here: no longer send sims to uni because the game glitches out when it's time to leave.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod for 1.42/Seasons?
on: 2012 November 04, 12:08:28
The latest AM version for 1.39 would have expired mid-november, actually. WUT!? I always have problems with the Launcher. Sometimes it comes to me that I should throw my new laptop against a wall. (The problem is, when downloading incremental patches; the process always fails. So therefore I need to download the Superpatcher. The Superpatcher for 1.39 is around 1GB, and it fixes ONE TINY FREAKING BUG that could be prevented by downloading "No Zombies" mod. Oh, and EA mentioned, "Too bad you'll have to scrap ALL of your saves that have the problem." (The patch has been released around 2 weeks after the 1.38 patch, so therefore if someone plays the game superfast, they could've reached 4th generation of their family. Fuck you EA. Thank you Pescado, Twallan and other wonderful people.)) Bottom line, I skipped the patch because a) didn't have the problem in the first place; b) didn't want to throw away 1GB for literally nothing. (Turned out it's AM I'm throwing away.) Another thing, I couldn't wait for the SSN patch because it brings swimming in the ocean, blueprints, diving board, bald haircuts and eyebrows... without even installing Seasons itself. (Actually, it wouldn't surprise me that EA put weather in the patch. They put so much in the patch.) So is it really true? That AM for 1.42 could come out mid-november? Don't use the launcher to patch. Use the patch downloader available at MTS. AM will come out when it's ready. Pescado has a good track record for getting new versions of AM out quickly following patches & EPs, but sometimes it can take a little longer depending on what EA have screwed up.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Jfadeworld 2.0 - NEW! IMPROVED! ISLAND!
on: 2012 September 17, 09:45:34
I can't find the following saltwater fish for my sim with level 6 fishing: anchovy, jellyfish, tuna, clownfish, blowfish. I can't see any saltwater spots using the collection helper, and AM's "fish for" macro can't detect them either.
Three lots seem to have been affected by that bug where if you put down a lot that has spawners, the game places spawners in every rotation you try before you place the lot. Some of the fishing spawners on these lots are on land. - Willow Acres Park - Landgraab Industries Science Facility (the spawners under the building are confusing AM's fishing skill macro, as they are unroutable) - Manning Memorial Cemetary
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Quail Hollow - No CC House
on: 2012 August 19, 01:38:12
I like the way you've presented your lot: - you've provided the floor plan. I won't even consider downloading a lot if I don't know the floorplan, I want to see how many bedrooms and bathrooms and how the traffic would flow; and - you have not photoshopped the hell out of it, so it looks like it would look in my game.
I do have one quibble with the lot - the low-end beds, although I understand that you wanted to keep the price down. I don't use Buzzler's "Same Energy Gain for Every Bed" mod, so if I downloaded this lot I'd replace all the beds with better quality ones.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: More Awful Than You: 'The Clothes Maketh the Fug' Edition.
on: 2012 April 16, 02:25:54
I'm trying to figure out to what event or occasion would any sim wear this outfit? What calls for a cleavage-revealing t-shirt combined with saggy, "Hammer-Time," melty-leg, pajama pants and untied work boots?
I suppose you could use it as a visual warning to remind you that "this sim is a dork, other sims are not to romance him" when you're playing other households. Or as a "must get around to killing this sim one day" reminder.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2011 December 31, 05:52:02
A sim is looping, repeatedly trying to cure a negative moodlet with the Moodlet Manager. He has no negative moodlets, and is fully greened up. He does have the Midlife Crisis moodlet - is he trying to get rid of the moodlet and is this a bug or AM working as designed?
Also, I've noticed that sims with the Imaginary Friend trait rarely have any positive matches. When I type matchall it seems the best I can get for most of them is -1. This has occurred in different neighbourhoods with multiple sims. As a result of this, most of them never get any romance action from ASM. Is there a big negative hit for the Imaginary Friend trait when trying to find a match for them?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: GOOD worlds that incorporate ALL EPs.
on: 2011 December 25, 04:15:48
Since no two players will have the same requirements from a world (system specifications vary, as do the personal choices we make in how we play the game and what we want from a world), I decided to pick a couple of worlds that were close enough to what I wanted and edited them in-game. I saved them before I started playing and I always have fresh unplayed versions when I want to start a new neighbourhood. The world I use most is Bayborough by myskaal, which I found here at MATY. It has plenty of room to add lots - I've added all the Ambitions lots (except the laundromat), the film set lot from Late Night, and the cat park, dog park, and 2 horse lots from Pets. I've also added a few community lots I built myself.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Multiple Personality Sim, how to kill one?
on: 2011 December 16, 09:47:53
Finally, the creepiest (or not, your choice): my Sim arrives home from somewhere and goes to bed, and while she is putting on her PJs I get a little pop-up telling me that Quincy has a very short timeframe in which he can stop some criminals who did somethingorother, and it asks me if I want to "Ram the Car" or "Use Spikes". I use Spikes; nothing happens; my Sim goes to sleep. Quincy is probably some random sim playing with the VR goggles. If you're playing in Appaloosa Falls there are VR goggles in the consignment store. To stop it, edit the consignment store and delete the VR goggles.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims game keeps crashing - needs moar RAMs?
on: 2011 November 06, 22:32:49
Hooo So Your The one making this noises good to know now I understand why my dog keep barking at the door all day ... I Ordered My New Improved PC today -- I'm so excited....cant wait ...~~~!! tired from crashes and error 12 when trying to save my game and now I will be finally able to get pets to ! Yay for me. say did you ever got this weird Error when all your sims get sick and die ? day all running around my town smell bed with green smelly fog around them looks like a virus -- they keep infecting each other and die one after another lol is this part of the game? a new update in AM? or was it this guy outside my house got in here and planted a virus in my game ... "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not after me ..." Could someone translate this into something readable, please. My stupid-to-English translation fu is weak today.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Help!
on: 2011 October 14, 22:47:24
You were told in the second post how to start the game without the launcher. Why did you need to ask how which program you needed, when you had already been given the answer?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: EA store stuff in *.dbc format - a torrent
on: 2011 September 16, 13:12:32
Here is the file. 62MB Please use this instead of the Riverview.Sims3Pack. This file goes in: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Worlds Is this all that is needed to add Riverview to my game (i.e. no sims3pack needed, as implied by the "use this instead")? I ask because it's not working for me. I've just installed & patched TS3 (up to & including Late Night) on my new computer. I downloaded the file from the first post and put it in C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Worlds. Since this is the first time TS3 has been installed on this computer there are no Riverview related files anywhere else. I launched the game, and started a new game in Riverview. I found that some lots are missing (such as the town hall). Is there something else I need to download to get Riverview to work properly?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: awesome mod
on: 2011 June 08, 02:36:24
You may want to double check that result, because error 10 is just about the worst error one can receive. I recommend uninstalling TS3 immediately, or you may suffer from horrible glitches, such as:
- Save games becoming permanently corrupted. - Store content becoming impossible to install/uninstall. - All custom and default hairs being replaced with two Peggy hairs. - The Sims 3 theme playing even with the game closed. - RAM suffering from spontaneous combustion.
Note that this is not an error caused by AwesomeMod. It is due to PEBCAK errors in the operating system while running TS3.
Given the OP's lack of punctuation and appropriate capitalisation, their inability to find the right thread to post in, and that they didn't bother to read the FAQ, I suspect they may like Peggy hairs.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations: What Sucks, What's Fucked, and What Did EA Get Right by Utter Luck
on: 2011 June 02, 02:30:51
You implied they were new when you said this: Also, the expansion seems very bare until you really start getting into it. I wouldn't say changing when pre-existing wants roll up is particularly exciting or worth raving about. Don't say you weren't raving about the feature since you were trying to tell us why at second look Generations is more zOMG AWESOME than you first thought. Is there anything for adults in this EP besides more of my sims getting the wants I tend to control-click away (you can't have a car, you've already maxed out athletic, and if I wanted to change your look, I would have done it already) and buggy dates?