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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / AM Version 1.67? on: 2014 January 27, 05:52:20
It's been quite a while since I played Sims and I thought I'd fire it up tonight. I fully expected to have to update my game file, as well as AM and possible the updater itself, but I seem to have run into a problem.

"The current AwesomeMod version is not compatible with your current The Sims 3 version. AwesomeMod is only compatible with version 1.66. Your current game version is 1.67"

I downloaded the current version of AM, so is this just a matter of having to wait for the latest version of AwesomeMod to come out? And if so, is there an expected time?

Thanks for your help. Phyrie
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question about making famblys sacred on: 2011 March 03, 08:47:03
"Fambly" prevents you from grokking the content of a post? I shudder to think what will happen when you encounter a terlet.

That one's easy.  I used to watch All in the Family (or should it be Fambly?) and Archie and Edith said "terlet" all the time.  I will put "fambly", in all it's forms, in the "crap you gotta know so as not to make an ass of yourself on MATY" file. 

And Phyrie, you're adorable, don't ever change.

Unlikely at this late date.  Glad to amuse.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question about making famblys sacred on: 2011 March 02, 08:14:23
I became so totally distracted by reading ahead to see if you continued the usage of the oh-so-cute "Famblies" theme that I couldn't grok your post.  And, gosh darn it if you didn't!  I am almost afraid to ask if you are trying to be cute on purpose, or if you really don't realize that "families" and "family" are the correct words.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE MUNICIPALITY NEEDS YOU! SUPPORT THE MUNICIPALITY! on: 2010 November 12, 01:42:23
Sent my $50USD.  And not because rohina tried to shame me into it in #grah last night. 
Although now my dog won't have any fresh, delicious liver treats until the end of the month.  He'll have to make do with the frozen ones in the freezer. 

This is him NOT having fresh, delicious liver.
The fact that he's a DRAMA queen does NOT mitigate the lack of liver.  At all.
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