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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Your neighborhood is corrupt and has exploded in a bfbvfs on: 2010 July 28, 21:09:14
While I already have numerous people helping me, I'd like to ask one more question about awesomemod and the Sims 3 in general, since I haven't played this game to the depths I have been lately. I was wondering, when I'm playing my main household, if when I look into another rendered sims house, if they should be moving around or not. I see my neighbor comes home and just stands inside her house until it's time to sleep and then goes to work. They work fine on community lots and stuff, so it isn't a matter of AI not working at all, just wondering if they should be doing stuff visible to me at their house. When I visit their house they kind of just stand there too, occasionally talking to me. I only really ask this because I made a new city and I looked at a rendered sims house and they seemed to be moving about. That new city was without awesomemod by the way. Maybe I butchered the config somehow, and made it contradict itself and explode. Free will is off, but I read that they fixed free will messing with non active sims so that is moot. Turned free will on too, no luck, other than the new city without awesomemod. Sorry for not knowing the basics of this game and what should be happening, I'm just OCD and have to make sure my game is working the way it should be. Thanks!

This is normal.  It is called "Low detail mode".  Most of your neighborhood will slip into it when they are not being played.  Some of the sims will go about their lives, but most will go into this catatonic state to reserve CPU and RAM.
Oh, ok! I just had to make sure it was what was supposed to be happening. I appreciate the swift response. I shall be off now. Thanks again
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Your neighborhood is corrupt and has exploded in a bfbvfs on: 2010 July 28, 20:51:29
Well, the problem is, I saw a whole bunch of people complaining about it, but I never saw someone have a solution for it, other than put your house into a new town. I did that and it's been working fine. Would have rather kept it in the other place but it's a virtual world, I'll get over it. I didn't update awesomemod before reinstallation. I never reinstalled in the first place, I just installed the game a few days prior and put awesomemod on it without any other hacks.

That makes sense that awesomemod just points out the error. Too bad I have no idea what the actual issue is for it being caused. If I know what "GlobalFunctions.CreateObject" was, other than guessing it's an inactive sim possibly trying to spawn something, maybe I could prevent it. It's ok though.

I had no clue EA made this game like that. Where you return to your last save and everything is screwed up. I'll make sure from now on, if I see anything askew to just revert to my last save, and save often before doing anything basically. I'm still new to everything when it comes to playing this game for long amounts of time instead of making a sim in 2 seconds and using cheats. I'm learning slowly how I really should be playing it.

While I already have numerous people helping me, I'd like to ask one more question about awesomemod and the Sims 3 in general, since I haven't played this game to the depths I have been lately. I was wondering, when I'm playing my main household, if when I look into another rendered sims house, if they should be moving around or not. I see my neighbor comes home and just stands inside her house until it's time to sleep and then goes to work. They work fine on community lots and stuff, so it isn't a matter of AI not working at all, just wondering if they should be doing stuff visible to me at their house. When I visit their house they kind of just stand there too, occasionally talking to me. I only really ask this because I made a new city and I looked at a rendered sims house and they seemed to be moving about. That new city was without awesomemod by the way. Maybe I butchered the config somehow, and made it contradict itself and explode. Free will is off, but I read that they fixed free will messing with non active sims so that is moot. Turned free will on too, no luck, other than the new city without awesomemod. Sorry for not knowing the basics of this game and what should be happening, I'm just OCD and have to make sure my game is working the way it should be. Thanks!
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Your neighborhood is corrupt and has exploded in a bfbvfs on: 2010 July 28, 09:50:26
Ok, so I recently installed all of the Sims 3 games after a long break. I installed Awesomemod, configured that to my liking, as I read that switching households would get rid of certain things, and that would be a no-go for more than one household.. obviously. Everything was going fine, and then I went to China, that's when the world imploded. When I came back in my Police Cruiser (since I drove to China) and arrived at my house, I saw there was another me. This is where is gets confusing and off-topic as this isn't my real issue.. I don't think. The sim that came from China had completed the opportunity to learn martial arts, but that sim didn't have the skills my other sim did (maxed out skills etc). The only difference in the original sim was that he hadn't completed the opportunity, whereas the sim who drove from China had all these low skills. Now, I don't know if the drive home from China was so tiring that he lost his athletic skill, or if it was the lack of cooking for such a long time that made him lose skill points, but he did. I looked online, and I saw other people had this issue. I then did the moveobjects cheat and deleted him. That didn't work because he was still "in" the family whether he actually existed or not. I then split household and my original sim generously gave him half my money. I thought all was good because he was gone. I was wrong. Now before you say "that happened because you deleted the sim", I'm not completely sure this next problem happened after that. I had been a recluse and just went to work, and came home to skill, so I didn't have a need to interact with other sims. I went to the other household and I was invisible, just a green box. I then went back to my other household and went to someone elses house, a premade household that was there when I joined the city, and they came to the door and invited me in, only problem was that they were invisible. I went to edit neighborhood and saw that everyone's portrait was just dotted lines. This is where the actual problem happens. A few sim hours after my save file, there's always this same error that happens. For the sake of space, I'll only paste part of it:

YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS CORRUPT AND HAS EXPLODED IN A BFBVFS! System.NullReferenceException: GlobalFunctions.CreateObject: Object was created but unable to get proxy. Possibly the medator instance is specifiying a script that does not exist. Resource key for created object was...

It happens every time. I don't know why. It doesn't prevent me from playing, but it continues to pop up pretty often. Any idea what this is all about? I downloaded some debugger mod that made all the sims visible again, but that didn't help the error. Could anyone please help me? I don't want to paste my household into a brand new city if there's anything I can do to fix this. Thanks in advance!

TL;DR: Went to China, was duplicated. Deleted self. Didn't work. Split household. Other household sim was invisible. Discovered all sims in city were invisible except me. Dotted lines around family portraits in edit neighborhood. Can fix invisible sims, but not the following error:

YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS CORRUPT AND HAS EXPLODED IN A BFBVFS! System.NullReferenceException: GlobalFunctions.CreateObject: Object was created but unable to get proxy. Possibly the medator instance is specifiying a script that does not exist. Resource key for created object was...
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