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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 July 24, 01:11:27
EDIT: I also want to move my families and houses to Riverview from Sunset Valley anyway because there's a lot more space there. So knowing if transferring families is safe would be helpful.
Transferring famblies across neighborhoods is safe, with a few caveats: Relationships outside of the transferred household will be lost. The Twallanian Porter Device supposedly can allow you to mass-move extended famblies across different households, but as this is not an AwesomeWare product, we can't provide support for it, as I have no idea how or if it works.

Thanks for your help. =] And I hadn't heard of the Twallan Porter device, so I tried it out and it's saved me a lot of time in transferring my families so they don't lose the relationships. Perfect. And now I know I can safely uninstall the awesomemod whenever I need to, then I guess that's a bonus for keeping it. Smiley
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 July 23, 03:05:04
Note: AwesomeMod contains critical bug fixes. Playing without for too long may cause irreversible neighborhood damage.

Ok, but for future reference. (such as when the mod is being updated for a new patch or expansion pack). You can uninstall the mod and play the same neighbourhood without it messing up the game? And transferring houses and families between hoods cause no problems?

Sorry for being persistent. I just want to be sure about what I'm doing. Now you've said that, I'll probably stick with the awesomemod, but I still need to know the answer to my questions so I'm not playing blindly only to encounter problems sometime down the line if I need to remove it again for whatever reason.

EDIT: I also want to move my families and houses to Riverview from Sunset Valley anyway because there's a lot more space there. So knowing if transferring families is safe would be helpful.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 July 23, 02:35:31
The game won't explode if you uninstall properly: Otherwise, it's a risk you take, as the game seems to react poorly if you're using an interaction and the code for the interaction then vanishes into limbo: To avoid this, if you REALLY want to uninstall (why?), pause the game and type "uninstall", then save and exit.
Like I said, I want to see if it makes a difference in terms of the crashing problems I'm having since I've tried everything else and it only seems to be happening after the ambitions update.

I could have sworn I've read multiple posts saying the only thing you can do after uninstalling the mod is to start a new neighbourhood? I remember when I was waiting for AwesomeMod to be updated for Ambitions and I had to start a new neighbourhood until the update??? :S

So you're saying you don't need to start a new neighbourhood at all, but just continue with the old one, after uninstalling it properly? And that I will be able to transfer both my houses and families without any problems?

And if I feel like I can't enjoy the game as much without awesomemod, then I will end up putting it back in haha.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 July 23, 01:53:19
Ok, I've uninstalled AwesomeMod to see if it solves the crashing issue I'm having, after trying everything else.

Anyway, I understand that you can't play the same neighbourhood after uninstalling the mod without it causing your game to explode, correct?

Well... I did play it for about 20mins, before I decided I might as well start a new neighbourhood in Riverview for more space, and also not to risk the game blowing up.

However, I'm not keen on the idea of starting a completetely new neighbourhood. i.e. I'd like to be able to keep my families and houses how they were in my old neighbourhood.

So what I want to know is...

Can I transfer families from my old neighbourhood (which I used awesomemod in) to my new one (without awesomemod) without it causing problems? And also, can I transfer houses from the old neighbourhood to the new one without causing problems?

I'm guessing it might be a no to my first question and a yes to my second, but I just want to be entirely sure so I can begin playing my new neighbourhood without, A) Undermining the new hood right from the start, causing it to blow up in the future, or B) Give myself lots of unecessary work redecorating all the houses and getting my families to the stage I left them at.

Thanks in advance.
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