So today I thought it was a good time to download all the store items from here. I followed the instructions here:,18408.25.html and something exploded. I decrapified all possible files, including my saved games. On the bright side, the store items installed in my game and worked perfectly. Unfortunately, Riverview and my legacy family are now worthless. When I load the file, I get a box reading "MISSING OBJECTS WARNING: Some objects could not be loaded and were replaced." I shrugged it off, thinking the decrapifier might have missed a couple store items, which wouldn't have mattered seeing how most worked. The missing objects turned out to be crucial buildings in Riverview, as I discovered when I saw that the adults were unemployed and that there were "no schools to attend in this town." The school, spa, city hall, army base, hospital, and possibly a few other rabbit holes are fucked. They're technically still there, but they're flat grids without any buildings on top. All interactions involving careers or anything useful are gone, and the only one left is to "visit" the place. To be clear, this is NOT the bug where the buildings are all blue squares. I left without saving and tried decrapifying the neighborhood, even though I was sure I already had. Nothing's fixed. I delete the cache files--nothing's fixed. I go through and uninstall all the store crap I spent an hour putting in my game and I empty my mods folder. Problem remains. I move my saved games to the desktop, uninstall Riverview, delete all my caches, reinstall it, and replace the saved games. Riverview's still fucked. In retrospect, my problem COULD have been that I didn't empty the DCCaches folder before decrapifying, but it's too late now. I'm running out of options and don't want this family to be lost forever. Is there anyway to fix this?