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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Purple Eggplant & Lemon Tree on: 2013 March 26, 14:38:26
When you placed them in game are they fully grown or dirt lumps? If the former then I've no clue. If the latter then it sounds like you have some kind of XML mod that affects the Plants list (S3_0333406C_00000000_D9C59893373DEB17_Plants) that needs to be updated for the 2 new ones.  I have my own to rearrange some of the classification of the plants (like egg & cheese down to uncommon and steak & burger to rare) which I need to update every time a new plant is added to the game otherwise I get the ungrowable brown dirt lumps.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Since Patching... on: 2012 August 03, 21:51:47
@MizzCerise On the AM Config page look under "Console & Debug Features" for "InformOnStoryAction" and make sure it's disabled.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Jfadeworld - A New Pudding Destination on: 2011 February 06, 22:30:29
The game save CTD me 3 times when I tried to move in a fambly. I deleted that.  Creating a new hood was fine though.

I got a message I was missing items, yet also I got a bunch of items that were installed alongside.  The only noticeable thing missing was the wallpaper at the gym in the miltary area.  I have all EPs and SPs btw but hardly any store/CC stuff.

Bookshelves had no skill books so I replaced them with the Corral ones to get them.

I do suggest adding street lamps because a lot of areas are darker than the inside of a boot.

On one side of the street in the middle of the trailer park  (the side closer to the big park) the lots overlap the sidewalk half way.

Downtown lots are showing lot names like "EP03/World/EP03_broadPass/LotName:Com_shell_Divebar02_40x40"

I do love the trailer park (I'm partial to tiny lots) so I got most of my sims living there. I'm somewhat surprised by the number of plants in the community garden. It seems somewhat cheat-ish but my poorer sims thank you very much.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 1.2.7/2.7.7/3.3.11 TEST THREAD on: 2010 June 07, 04:11:24
If I try to create a new game in the Sims 3, after I select the household I wish to play with and click on the purple check mark the game stays in edit town mode and refuses to load the family.

I don't think that's an Awesomemod bug.  I just had the same thing happen, and I'm not running Awesomemod.

No, that's an Ambitions bork!  I had no CC, hacks, I was playing vanilla and the same thing happened. Only way to get around it, was to go to Main Menu and go back into the game that way.  Or else, quit and start again.

That has happened to me a few times but I don't have to go all the way back to the Main Menu.  When I click the "..." button there's a half-second pause followed by the lot loading correctly.
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