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TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Delete townies without using the cheat
on: 2010 April 30, 12:28:17
before my son got caught under the bed i was going to say thank you so much for your help. I was trying to figure things out on my own and got twisted around some how. Sometimes you read something over and over again with other similar articles in between and your brain starts to play tricks on you. I was confusing the two threads from this website about the empty hoods which i downloaded two years ago and the new additional article or the update to the article about apt life. that I became caught up in what i was trying to do and failed to realize that it was instructions to create a new hood and not to fix and existing hood. You make fun of me because i am not as awesome as you but that is why i came to you for help.
remember everyone isn't a computer programmer.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Delete townies without using the cheat
on: 2010 April 18, 13:48:33
If i delete my ea games folder in my documents directory (not the program files directory) and restart the game will that fix the problem of the broken neighborhood?.
and iif i delete the neighborhood file itself from the my documents directory and replace with my backed up neighborhood folder will that be ok?
to start from scratch on the delete townie thing and i am assuming that i need to use the electric boogaloo to keep all my playable sims and delete all the townies. am I correct on what i need to do?. do i need to follow the instruction to delete the townies still or just use the electric boogaloo?
English is my first language but i have a one year old that occupies my time and i have to type quickly before he gets into something i have to nab him and if i have to stop in the middle i loose my train of thought. so i sound confusing. so i try to sum things up quickly but obviously everyone doesn't always get my gist. i try to be clear in the least amount of words but not always successful in time constraints.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Age duration my way
on: 2010 April 17, 15:20:22
I am knew to the world of modding and time limits my experimentation. but this is the only thing i have to contribute at this time most of my homes aren't complete I am trying. Keeping up is hard.
babies 1 day (three days seemed to be forever)
toddlers 6 days (four days just wasn't enough time to teach to potty when i had a house of 9 sims) (plant babies stay at 4 days because they know how to walk, talk, and potty. Just need to learn nursery rhyme)
children 12days (I added the school off in summer and spring and longer seasons 7 days and some of my children never went to school 2 out of five where taken)
teens 18 days (compatible with InTeen they age into independent teens--that don't have to go to school--at 11days. They have seven days to do what ever no school or Inge's night school, work, or your desired wish)
adults 36days (some of my sims never had the chance to enjoy their kids they would die before the kids reached adulthood that was too depressing. almost half of my college sims where orphans. now not so many
elders oldest age is 85 days old so far
oh thanks inge jones for helping by providing me with the info to create this simple mod
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Delete townies without using the cheat
on: 2010 April 17, 14:50:36
I did as the instructions say to delete the file folder in tsdada folder for the characters right. oh wait i put the characters back in the neighbor hood folder of documents wait but that shouldn't make a difference. but the townies are in their too aren't they someitmes it helps to type it out.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Delete townies without using the cheat
on: 2010 April 17, 14:37:36
Ok i have been trying to get this right and i have three different out comes. triplicates of my sims, invisible lots, and my isms can't go to work. I have a custom hood that had grown significantly and i want to get rid of the unnecessary nver spoken to townies that are taking up file space. I tried to do the clean template thing twice and now i have triplicates of my playables as townies. thank goodness for back ups. all i want to do is take all my playables and move them to a new hood with no other sims except them and one of each social bunnies if possible. I have read the threat three time and I can't figure out what i am missing.
I deleted the folders completely and replaced them with new ones. do you think a hack might be the issue? I haven't tried reloading my dl folder