For noobs out there that don't want to be attacked when asking how to use this thing.
First, extract all Sims3Pack (s3p) by using Delphy Sims3Pack Multi Installer Tool into corresponding folder. This means, if you have hairs CC in s3p, extract them into hairs folder, the same goes to stuffs CC in s3p. You may need to create a few folder depending on how much you have the CC. You don't want a folder containing 20gb of packages don't you? If you do have CC in .package format, you just put them into their corresponding folder.
Second, put BOTH decrapify.exe and s3rc.exe in every folder you created. This is important or else it will not work! Then, select about 98 or below .package file and drag it to decrapify.exe. Do this to all your packages. You can't drag over 2000 package into decrapify.exe because it will give an error stating the command line is too long. Don't select package in hairs folder and drag them into decrapify.exe in stuffs folder, it will not work. Only select and drag them into decrapify in the same folder. A window will appear for a few second or minute (depending on CC) and closed itself.
Third, after all the packages in every folder have been decrapified, now you need to package them to a single file by using Sims 3 Package Editor (s3pe). Run s3pe and click File>New. Then click Resource>Import>From Package. Browse for the package folder and open it, select all the .package by CTRL+A and click Open. Select Reject Duplicates option and click Import. If you got a massive number of packages in a folder, maybe it is going to take minutes for s3pe to add each file. The program itself MAY not responding and your computer MAY freeze, do not panic, just wait until all the process is finished. After that, click File>Save, give the package a name and put it in desktop to make it easy for you to find the file later. Again, the program itself MAY not responding and your computer MAY freeze, do not panic. Then, do the same thing to another package folder until you're finished.
Finally, put all the newly created packages to Mods>Packages. Simple right?
DO NOT EVER BLAME ME IF I DO THIS WRONG. Just tell me nicely, kay? I asked this for about... two weeks? and no one EVER want to help me.
EDIT: Sorry, to make Riverview worked you do not need to extract it to packages. Just put it in a folder in s3pack format and put both decrapify.exe and s3rc.exe in the same folder and drag it into decrapify.exe. Then install it normally by using launcher. Thanks to Pes, the disappearance of fireplaces is now fixed! Just download s3rc-win.rar here,15129.0.html. Then, replace your old s3rc.exe and decrapify.exe with the new one you just download. Then re-decrapify it again as in second step. If you had merged all the packages, just drag the merged package into the new decrapify which in the same folder with the new s3rc and the package. Other case: Let's say you have three merged package which each one is about 200Mb or more, it is recommended that you drag only one package at a time into decrapify. Unfortunately, this method (for me) still don't fix corner counter restyling bug.
what is the Delphy Sims3Pack Multi Installer Tool?
also, "put BOTH decrapify.exe and s3rc.exe in every folder you created"
where do you get the decrapify.exe file? what is the purpose of the decrapify.exe and s3rc.exe files? do you know if they have a mac s3rc.exe file available?
also what folders do you mean? (do you mean folders you created for specific CC items?...?)
i apoligize for being a real noob...