I had that happen to me on a lot that I made and had been using for the orphanage challenge at MTS. The lot had been around for ages when it happened. I put all the terrains and yard crap I had removed from my downloads folder back in and that didn't cure the problem. So I did the stint in a MTS help thread thinking I was nuts since the big "help" there was to back up the game, pull the neighborhood file out (It was Pleasantville) and fire up my game so it would regenerate a new Pleasantville. Of course the lot was no longer there which is why I thought this was some pretty stupid advice at the time. The new never used neighborhood was so pretty and useless without the lot I wanted to play. I did some other messing around and then put my original Pleasantville neighborhood file back in, fired up my game another time, and VOILA!! My lot no longer flashed blue. You can try that if you want, but as I said before, I thought deleting the present neighborhood and using one without the borked lot was pointless, but I guess I had three fingers pointing back at me.