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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Sims can't go steady, etc even with awesomemod?
on: 2010 March 19, 19:46:27
I have The Sims 3 with WA and for some reason my sim can't go further than romantic interest with the person I want her to have a relationship with. At first I thought it was because she had an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend and so I got her to become just friends with her ex. She's not in a relationship (I looked on the guy's sim to make sure that she wasn't in a relationship) but she still can't seem to get in a relationship with him. And yes, I do know about the whole extremely irresistible thing (i play this game often).
I downloaded awesomemod because I read that it can fix this problem and i typed in fixall, but it's not working. All it has done is give more Romantic actions to both of the sims in question (Before the guy was only showing like 4 actions even when they're being extremely irresistible and the girl was the same). Neither of the sims have traits that would stop them from getting into a relationship either. I've also tried having them do romantic gestures to each other for a long time both before and after putting in awesomemod..but nothing.
I even made sure that either of them had any other romantic interests (although this problem never came up before in the past, so I don't think this has to do with their romantic interests)
I've been playing the Sims for a long time and this was the first time this situation came up. Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong with awesomemod or if my game is just messed up or what. I'm going insane trying to figure it out >.<