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TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: New patch rollout - ghosts, pools and careers
on: 2015 January 14, 17:22:13
This might be stupid but why are you even using a crack version of the game? Its cheap enough now you can just buy it. No offense to anyone I was just wondering.
There are a couple of reasons, firstly, as posted previously, alot of people don't want Origin installed. With TS2 and TS3 you could still play the game AND patch without needing to install Origin (or the older EA Downloader). Secondly, for alot of people even $10 is too much to pay EAxis for how fucked up and broken they are leaving the games. When you read all the complaints about what is missing with TS4 and how stripped down and fucked up it is, why would you want to actually pay for it, at any price? Some might even argue that the time spent downloading and installing is too much to pay. After all, they did leave TS2 and TS3 full of bugs and glitches when they walked away from them, so why expect anything different with TS4. I get your point and its valid reasoning. In my opinion the game is fine I wasn't expecting TS4 to be like any of the previous versions. I guess that why I am still supporting them. I know a lot of other people aren't happy and won't spend any more money with them until they fix the game.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Recommendations for a good FPS limiter?
on: 2014 September 27, 02:36:26
So then I checked my frame rate limit in the config file and it says FrameRateLimit 200 is that bad?
Given the conversation and the stated frame rates people are trying to achieve, what the fuck do you think? Did I say that was my frame rate I have only seen it go to 80 so far in my game that was the game configs #. I was asking if that was bad to have the configs that way. I have never had a problem with any games frame rate because I never actually looked until now.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop?
on: 2014 September 05, 12:25:02
TS3 was never this fast to load or save.
Also, there is nothing wrong with travelling, you ignorant retard. It is UK/Aus spelling.
Add to the likes: Being able to see when food will spoil. Choosing 1, 4 or 8 servings from the "cook" menu. The fact that eating quick meals will make your sims fat.
I didn't know that the quick meals made your sims fat. That explains a lot now.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: L&P: The Sims 4 CAS Demo
on: 2014 August 08, 00:20:42
Using correct punctuation and not making an ass of oneself are a good way to make the site's users a bit more friendly. I think Tia's problem is that we are very good at sniffing out EA shills. ETA: Granted, it is very easy to sniff out a shill if that person keeps outing itself.I have said stupid things on here I admit it. But I still don't get where it says I have to care. I do my own thing if I need help I post. Other then that I am hardly ever on here.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: L&P: The Sims 4 CAS Demo
on: 2014 August 07, 22:19:26
I think what happened is, Eurotrash is so good at his job that he scared all the other tards away, and now all the tardbashers want someone they can beat, so they're all grasping at straws, trying to push anyone into that role for them. Sorry it had to be you, Tia.
Clearly I'm not that good, otherwise you wouldn't be here. I'd feel sorry for Tia but they have "troll bait" written all over them. Do you think I care what anyone on this site says to me. I knew when I signed up that it wasn't a very friendly place. So I put myself in that position posting here.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2014 August 03, 23:53:46
. This time it's the mesh for the Athletic Dress:  Also, I find it a bit strange that even though the mesh is missing, its pattern shows up as one of the presets on the Dainty Dress and Jacket full body CAS part from this same set. I've also seen two other missing meshes from other store sets I collected & decrapped from the net, but have yet to pin point them down. I will be back to post which ones they are once I've narrowed down from which sets they're from. Wait that dress is from the Bohemian Garden Set?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection - "FREE" limited time offer
on: 2014 July 23, 20:01:20
Now its free to anyone that wants it.
Because you're a passionate The Sims 2 player, we're making The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection available free of charge to download to your Origin library. To add the game, just follow these steps:
Start by downloading and installing Origin. If you already have Origin you can skip to step 3. Not an Origin member? Create a free Origin Account to get in the game. Launch Origin and log into your Origin Account. From the ‘Games' tab in the Origin menu, select ‘Redeem Product Code' and enter the code I-LOVE-THE-SIMS
If you're already an Origin member, you can also redeem your code online. Just visit the Origin code redemption page and log in to your Origin Account. Then enter I-LOVE-THE-SIMS in the ‘Product Code' field.
Log into Origin and download and play the game any time you want .
Thanks for being a passionate The Sims fan, and enjoy your copy of The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection.
This code will available for redemption until July 31st, 2014 at 10AM PDT.