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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: XMLs are lying to me about bills, I cannot figure out how the heck the game on: 2010 April 19, 06:49:57
Oh well then that was my mistake then. I was under the impression you were trying to figure out how the bills were adjusted in the game and how to modify it accordingly per level of difficulty.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: SUPPORT THE MUNICIPALITY! on: 2010 April 19, 04:03:28
You know...if it wasn't for the fact that I abuse AM so much I would've said screw it. Hell I won't even give my kids $20.00 when they ask let alone some random stranger that I have only known for about a year. Ah well...It's for a good cause and I expect you to slave for that money J.M.  =)

BTW: Have you hit your target yet?
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How...does the game spawn NPCs? on: 2010 April 19, 03:48:29
You know Claeric...I was wondering about something on the subject of NPC's and if there was a way to gain better control over the NPC home? I want to be able to pick and choose who I put in the NPC home and who I do not want in the NPC home.

I did attempt to create a SIM and then give them the job of an NPC but they were not an NPC. They were still controllable by means of my being able to use Twallans SC and AM and select them as a playable Sim. There is no option to take control of an NPC " that I know of " if they are an NPC. Also using the AM Select command does not give you the option either to gain control of the NPC home by selecting one of them by name. Tried that as well. So...How the game chooses to spawn them is one thing but to gain better control over them is another.

Something else that bugs the crap outa me about the NPC's as well. I have tested this on numerous NEW hoods and the same NPC's always spawn. One in particular is Kate Pistashio { AF - Maid } - This one sim " Not that I dislike her " but it's always the same ones. Sure I can kill them off and force a generation of a new NPC sim to take it's place but why does the game choose these specific sims to generate no matter what hood you create. I also get the same thing in my CAW. Weird...
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Core mod Incompatibility with Awesome Mod? on: 2010 April 19, 00:02:47
I just picked up the newest AM this afternoon and haven't had any issues. Before i picked up the new version though I was getting the above mention dialog box. But it's gone now. So all is good. The box never bothered me to begin with. Just clicked ignore and went about my business.  Wink
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: XMLs are lying to me about bills, I cannot figure out how the heck the game on: 2010 April 18, 23:47:33
Claeric, I have to say this thread kinda interests me on the fact of realism. You got something here and I'm very interested if you figure this one out. It would be nice to be able to adjust billings by income. Like you said... If per-say Joe Shmoe down the road makes 1800 a week working an average job and ole Mary Rotten Crotch up the street makes 8k a night from whoring around then yes the bills should be adjusted accordingly. Interesting concept here and I like it... Wink
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Merging mods to increase Performance! (Manually creating .dbc archives) on: 2010 April 18, 23:41:15
I'm to fucking lazy to make a new signature now fuck off!!!

Congratulations on advertising your complete fail. If you consider a grasp of the English language too high an expectation, MATY is not the place for you. This is probably the site you're looking for.

I'm to fucking lazy to make a new signature now fuck off!!!

No no, not that! This should be the site (s)he's looking for.

Wow...And I get my chuckle for the day from 2 lamers that know what Disney & Sims is. I'm actually quite impressed that the 2 of you are intellectual enough to understand either of those sites let alone being able to comprehend MATY for that matter. Here...I'll give you a real link to check out that I'm pretty sure both of you are very familiar with. And although it astounds me with the English comment Sigmund...That you fail to grasp of what my signature stated. I clearly think both of you need complete instructions on the subject so I'll help you both out being the nice individual I am. Check it out -=={===> HERE Read It...Preach it...Understand it...Live it...Enjoy it... Wink
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Merging mods to increase Performance! (Manually creating .dbc archives) on: 2010 April 16, 22:07:01
There was one thing that got me with this method though and I only changed 1 thing. The Default & Peggys & Lady Frontbums Skins when they got compressed developed a mark on them. I'm not going to repeat the process and show a pic whereas I should, but the skin(s) texture developed that mark until I took them back out of the DBC file and just placed them back in the skins directory as separate packages instead. So whether or not this is a fluke instance I'll be leaving my skins outside the dbc compression method from here on out.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Merging mods to increase Performance! (Manually creating .dbc archives) on: 2010 April 15, 20:40:11
Dear god, how can you even have that many? Do you download everything you see?

"ZOMG!  This Peggy hair has the emo bangs swept to the right!"  *click*
I'm sorry but I found this to be extremely hilarious!!! Cheesy I'm just as bad....

Anyways...I just went and tried this complete setup by converging all my .package files and compressing them into .dbc files. Honestly on my machine I did see a performance increase. Considering I have a ton of mods *** Approx. 2.31 GBs worth in my packages folder *** I was starting to see some serious lag issues before compressing everything. Compared to my 3:20+ load time before from start to in game I'm now down to by my stopwatch around 2:25+ in game.

This was done by a comparison with each try 4x with & without the dbc files all on fresh reboots of the machine. Either I went with all the .package files in the respected folders and then tried it with just the .dbc files. .dbc was quicker on my machine. Whether or not this method actually works being true or not this is a debate I do not want to get involved in. You guys can debate it all you want. For me it worked.

I'll be sticking with the conversions from now on. Thanx for the Tut Anach.

Oh and Claeric, I wanted to say thanx to you for the Proc Monitor App. That helped me out a lot yesterday. I picked it up from your blog yesterday and followed the Tut for it as well. That really helped me out. Sped things up a bunch after I did what you said. Wink
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft on: 2010 February 09, 15:25:30
Good Morning..This being my first & probably only post on the forum. <==}=- * Likes to lurk more than post  Cheesy*

Ok, I read this entire thread and ended up doing some experimenting myself.

When I first started with Sims 3 I didn't find out about AM till later on down the road...approx. 2 months later. I was working with other modders getting stuff out. Figuring code how the game was written and other little oddities. But anyways, since I have found JM's AM I have come to really like it. Things that make it nice are the configuration ability and ease of reconfiguring it the way I like to play.

But on a happier note: I got this to work with HELs this morning.

I thought I might share my little bit of insight on what I did to get AM to work in my game.
My steps are as follows & might work for you as well.

NOTE: I purchased the Base Game and WA but DL'd the Vitality Version of HELs. *** Try before I buy is my Motto *** Will be buying HELs this weekend when I get paid. ***

1. Backed up all my crap. All my mods / saves / houses / sims etc etc etc.
2. Took the entire game off my system. Complete Erasure. Registry entries and all.
3. Reinstalled clean all 3. Base Game / WA / HELs
4. Cracked HELs with Vitality's crack on the ISO.
5. Placed all my mods back in the respective area. /Sims 3/Mods/Packages/
6. Put the Resource.cfg file in the root of the Sims 3 Directory. Made sure framework from Delphy was installed correctly.
7. Took the Resource.cfg file that comes with any of the package files anymore and placed that 93byte file in the root of /Sims 3/Game/Bin/ overwriting the original 384byte file that is located in that directory.
8. Copied that same file into the root of the /Sims 3/WA/Game/Bin/ overwriting the original 384byte file located in that directory as well.
NOTE: DO NOT REPLACE THE Resource.cfg in the root of the HELs Folder. The game will not load without the original 384byte file from the disk. Which if you make that mistake like I did you can copy it directly off the ISO or DVD *** if you own it ***
9. Placed the newest AM posted on the DL link from the forum in my Mods folder.
10. Placed the d3dx9_31.dll in all 3 root directories of the game.
ex. /Sims 3/Game/Bin/
     /Sims 3/WA/Game/Bin/
     /Sims 3/HELs/Game/Bin/
11. Placed all my extra crap from my Documents folder that the game requires you to have to play. *** Saves / Store Bought BS / and all that jazz ***
12. Clicked on the icon for the Game in the HELs folder  -={ TS3SP01.exe }=- *** NOT THE LAUNCHER executable***
13. It loaded everything up and AM is working like it was before.
14. Gj on this quick fix JM. And thanks for working on this so quickly.

You got me hooked on your mod JM. I'm truly a fan of your art and craft. You allow me to be able to play my game the way I want and how I want for now.  Wink

So till the next time I decide to post something...have a Great Day and Happy Simming and hopefully my little tidbit of a post here helps someone.  Wink
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