I don't know why, but every time I try to install a new package the game lags. I used procmon, and when I go to the file summary it shows all the packages that I just installed are causing the lag (over 40min just to get into a saved game) I've searched for hours to find a solution, but nothing is popping up or I'm looking in the wrong place. Can anyone point me in the right location to look or offer a solution?
Remove the .packages. Something is wrong with them. If they are loading over and over in a row and it looks like an unusual amount of times, take them out. Notify the creator of the .packages and maybe they will fix it. Store .packages that are loading a lot is pretty normal however, they have a lot in them, in which case the issue may be that your computer simple can not handle this extra stuff in your game and you are going to have to cut back to a few choice items. If it's the same .package shown like a hundred times in a row, barely loading anything else, then the issue is still that there is something wrong with it.
Yeah they are the store items. They are the ones I downloaded from the MATY TS3 Store thread. Do the .Sims3Packs actually load faster? I saw another thread that it was the same. Please don't flame me on this I'm just trying to get clarification, because I'm hearing different things on this.