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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AM Conflict with Equestrian Competitions? on: 2012 February 09, 23:01:32
Whoops. Sorry. Double fail. My bad. :-(
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / AM Conflict with Equestrian Competitions? on: 2012 February 07, 01:52:40

I am a long-time user of the AM. I have TS3 with all expansions through pets, the latest patch, and the most recent version of AM (1.29 et al). When I try to enter an equine competition with AM installed, my game crashes. With it removed, my game continues through the competition with no problems. I tried it with and without any other hacks installed, to see if there was a conflict with my other hacks, but it doesn't matter. Competition with AM = game go boom. Competition w/o AM = smooth sailing. So, is this just a koinkydink, unidentified user error, or some kind of issue with the mod and the game not playing nicely in this particular sandbox? I should note that I haven't tried all kinds of competitions, just show jumping. I have an error/crash log file if that is helpful.

Thanks for any help! Sims without AM is just sad, but I hate to keep taking it out to do competitions, because bork.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Game Freezing w/Awesomemod on: 2010 August 04, 22:07:18
All the mirrors are resynced hourly, so if you managed to get something bad then, it is probably gone now. Your issue may have simply been a bad download, the kind that sometimes gets mangled in transit.

Well, smack my ass and call me happy! It looks like that was it. Thanks for the help!
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Game Freezing w/Awesomemod on: 2010 August 01, 18:58:46
MadameMim - I did remove my mods when I installed the new EP. (I always do, for new EPs and patches so now it's habit!)

Tyrannosaur of Doom - I have 12 gig of RAM. Is that enough? (I finally gave in and bought a gaming system, after Sims 2 ate my laptop.) I figured it wasn't a system failure, since it seems to run fine if I take out AM. That's what is so weird. I took out any other hacks I was running (mostly added sliders for CAS), so that the only thing I was running AM with was no intro and transparent baby bottle, so it doesn't seem like it would be a conflict...

Do you think reinstalling the EP might help? I can always try that.

It looks like the game saved an xcpt file (exception?) to my sims folder. Would any of that info be helpful?

I was wondering if others were having this problem, but it sounds like it's just me, so it must have been something I did. Hmph.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Game Freezing w/Awesomemod on: 2010 August 01, 02:45:22

I am nonawesome but have enjoyed the awesomemod for some time now. My game has been freezing (must shut down from task manager; START button does not switch to desktop) or crashing to desktop perodically for a while. Then, recently I installed Ambitions, updated to the latest patch, and installed the latest version of awesomemod. At this point, crashes became more frequent, until I stopped being able to play at all. My game would just freeze up.

I tried troubleshooting to figure out what is causing the crash. Short answer is that with awesomemod it freezes. Without it, it doesn't. Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? I can provide additional information if that would be helpful.

I can run the game without awesomemod, but that's just so... not awesome.

Thanks for any assistance.

6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Rhoda's Adventures? on: 2010 February 09, 02:45:15
Are the adventures of Rhoda a feature of the Awesomemod? I have had a couple of yes/no items pop up. The first one asks how best to save Rhoda from {insert something bad, which I've forgotten, here}. I believe the options were a. a fireball spell or b. demonic cows. The second one asked whether she should take an agility check or an intelligence check to avoid a falling stalactite. I just wanted to check on the off chance that I have some weird custom-content-engendered bug in my game. I searched around but didn't find anything, so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks for any assistance!
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