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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What exactly is the awesome story driver? on: 2009 December 22, 17:14:41

Well, you could name the house after the fambly you put in it. Then they will stay put. But as it stands, it seems to be working fine, you just need to plop more housing so your other sims can be somewhere. Sims won't displace an existing occupant unless there is nowhere else to go.

Hoooooooooold on. You mean....I can have all my families progressing and the only thing I'll need to do is to rename their homes with their family names to get them to primarily stay in the house I made them???

eg: Bob Smith lives in Maple Bungaloo (but keeps moving out)

I change Maple Bungaloo to "Smith Home"  (in edit town) and then Bob will live there till he dies?! No extra clicking or ctrl + shift + c ing commands?

That's all I have to do o.O?!  And that family will continue going to school, work, romance, whatever, but will try to stay in the home until they marry, or name change, or it becomes unlivable?

Cause that's basically exactly what I want - for them not to leave town, and not move out of the homes I put them in unless it can't contain them. I do have a lot of empty plots in my neighbourhood but I'm guessing it's likely be too expensive for the townies to purchase.

oh and I removed twallan due to the error 12ing so I'm only running awesome with a minimum amount of CC (other then the yarr'd TS3 stuff)

But thanks for the info! I had no clue it was that straightforward. I was very used to the IS/Twallan type driver so when I started the game I found it alarming there was no visual prompt to show that AM was running, and no other note that there was no in game menu? But I do like the subtlety of the mod if this works the way I think it does. I just want the unplayed sims to function based on their personalities and needs and not to move out. I dont' really care what else happens as long as it's natural XD (as in not suddenly switching career paths out of the blue when they're already top ranked and cashing in.)

2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What exactly is the awesome story driver? on: 2009 December 22, 16:35:51

1) Thanks! I wasn't sure, but I'll make sure it's toggled then.

2) That's strange about twallan's driver, I thought the sims were "doing stuff" and not sitting at home wasting away LOL. ALthough that explains why ones that would visit under the twallan were always starving or close to passing out. But here's another question - If i do make them sacred, will they still age? And still go to school/work/progress? Or is it basically a putting them in stasis kind of thing? Like no additional relationships, or romance, etc, aging? :/

3) Ohhh that's a bummer :/ I really like that gossipy kind of feature from twallan, but I figure that the added informational overload was the reason I kept getting error 12's Sad

I think I like everything about the AM driver in theory (since I wasn't sure it was working but all my sims seemed to be doing fine). Ugh it's just a bummer about them moving out of their primary homes. I mean I get it if teens want to move out as they reach adulthood but having whole families just move into another home completely and have townies move into their nicely decorated, furnished homes just bites :/ I mean if there were personality reasons, or spats or aging issues that would be fine, but it just seems odd that whole families would relocate when their homes are suitable for their needs? I dunno >.< I just wanted the families I'm actually playing to stay in the homes/neighbourhoods I put them in.

But thanks for the help! I appreciate the info Cheesy
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What exactly is the awesome story driver? on: 2009 December 22, 14:42:38
Okay I know this must be a really stupid question for a lot of you guys, but after playing with Awesomemod overnight, and googling trying to figure out some things but with no luck, I thought I'd ask you guys and risk being ripped apart ~_~ I really don't mean to annoy, but I'm totally confused about what the initial set up for AM is.

1.79 patch + 1.79 awesomemod

I'm used to the original indie stone mod (original AM wouldn't load/work for me), and then nraas (which gave me error 12's and 13's consistently so went onto awesomemod) so playing with AM's configuration is new and I'm not that mod savvy.

1) Am I supposed to toggle on the 'enable story progression' under options/game play in the EA menu to get AM's story progression to work? Or toggle it off? (it was toggled off by default from nraas/indie, but I had read somewhere that you were supposed to toggle the EA one on to activate it so I did but I'm not sure if this is right) Under the config menu (showconfig) everything is under the default downloaded settings - AM's progression enabled.

2) Is it normal for sims in established homes (with families) to move out of their digs and onto diff lots? I was playing a family to set them up with proper bedrooms, and living conditions, then moved onto another family. I played the new family for about 3 sim days time and when I came into the edit town menu I discovered that about 5-6 families had moved into different homes in the neighbourhood, and other sims had moved into the homes I had placed the original sims in. Is there a way to keep a family primarily in the house you put them in, but have the option for them to move out/move to diff homes pending relationship issues? But still progress and advance in the game when I'm not playing them?

3) Are there any in game alerts when non played sims have story advancements - or is it kind of a surprise! kind of thing? I saw through googling that previous versions had some sort of 'informing of story' update configuration but I haven't figured that out.

Right now the only indication to me that AM is working is the home moving and the general CTRL+SHIFT+C to see what's changed. But I haven't seen anything else (pop ups or warnings or otherwise), unlike nraas/indie which had updates and you could see new pregnancies, or marriages, firings, etc. Since my only other history of AM was during the starting sims 3 days where it wouldn't load (sims 3 would crash) I keep wondering if it's actually enabled and working or am I just using the EA story progression mod unknowingly?

Sorry for the novel, but I really wanted to know this stuff. Thanks in advance!

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