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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Getting a new computer - advice needed!
on: 2009 December 28, 22:08:56
A system I built a little over a year ago for about $1100:
Really nice barebones windowed/lighted case with an ASUS SLI motherboard. AMD Phenom quad 9850 (2.5ghz) 4gb DDR2 1066 (2x2gb) Nvidia GTX 280 650 watt PSU. 1tb HD (The bottleneck. I'd love a fancy new solid state drive, but those are only for rich people.)
So yeah, I got everything off of Ebay. Still runs like a beast today. So yeah, if I was able to pull that off a year ago, you could probably put together something VERY nice with a grand today. I would definitely suggest going the high end AMD route though, unless you'd rather blow your entire budget out the window on just the CPU.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Fix for "incompatible base game" error message horseshittery.
on: 2009 December 28, 01:00:49
I apologize if this fix has been otherwise posted elsewhere, but I didn't really see it as I was trolling about. Basically, to those who say patch order is meaningless: Nonsense. If you're getting this error message, uninstall both WA & the basegame. Reinstall the basegame. Update the basegame to the latest patch (or 1.79 if you don't want to deal with CC issues). Then install WA, install the latest WA patch. (Again, or 2.28 if you don't want to deal with the CC issues.) If you did this in the proper order, you should no longer see the incompatible message. So yep, hopefully someone finds my rant to be of some use. And as for the Grammar Police:
Bitch, you just jealous that my street corner'in skillz is more better than any of yo nasty skank-ass ho'n skillz. Im'a gunna go git me a fawdy.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Awesomemod 2.28 expiration coming soon.
on: 2009 December 18, 20:11:24
I'm aware this has probably been asked elsewhere 47.3 trillion times. But how do you remove the expiration date from awesome mod? The 2.28 version expires on the 20th, and I recently tried updating to 2.3 only to find out that all my CC and Riverview was going to be missing from the game. So yeah, hopefully Pescado or someone else will help me out on this one. I could probably just turn my system clock back after the 20th, but that would probably get old after a bit. I really don't want to patch again until they come out with another patch to fix the patch.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / 2.3+CC bullshit. I refuse to reinstall AGAIN.
on: 2009 December 18, 15:38:38
Okay, so I've been scouring various forums and google for the past 24 hours and I can't find a working answer to my problem. basically the launcher refuses to install about 70% of all my sims3packs, it goes through the motions, saying either "package already installed" or success. But yeah, that's pointless. Because either way, the installed icon doesn't pop up next to the file and therefore it's not in the game. I've tried the .dbc trick copied it to the packages folder and modded resource.cfg, doesn't work. I deleted every single cache related garbage in the documents folder. Emptied out the "library folder in the documents folder, emptied out dcbackup folder, even deleted everything in dccache. Then started up the launcher and tryed to install everything from scratch. No dice. So Tried the TSR launcher just for shits and giggles. It refuses to even start up on my system. I would just extract all the sims3packs to my mods\packages folder, but that doesn't help me with EA content like riverview and ect because I've heard that they're encrypted and probably can't be extracted.
Any suggestions? Because yeah. I'm about to spaz.
BTW: I've seen the riverview fix by coyote, I'll give it a try, sounds like it'll work, but that still doesn't explain how to get the rest of my CC and ea content back into the game.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
on: 2009 December 16, 21:20:47
I've done a bit more research on this... issue. I just made a new neighborhood, from riverview. I bulldozed all the EA residential lots and replaced them with all custom lots. then moved all the fugly townies back into the neighborhood in their new custom lots. I let it run for a few generations, and it seemed to work fine, sims procreated and moved about the neighborhood as they seen fit. So just out of curiosity, I placed 3 EA houses in the neighborhood. Within 2 days all three of them were filled. It was that same bizarre swarming response. Weird. Oh well. At least I sort of figured out how to get sims to move into custom homes. I just have to utterly wipe out every EA house in the neighorhood. lol.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
on: 2009 December 15, 21:47:19
Most of the custom houses I have installed in the neighborhood are exclusive lots from TSR, So they're most likely pre-tested before being uploaded
You're joking, right? Like I said, I tested most of them myself as well just to make sure that I'm not going nuts.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
on: 2009 December 15, 21:45:28
There are 3 houses that are in the 150k range. 3 out of ~20 in the neighborhood. Most are under 100k, well within the obtainable range when you let the neighborhood run for several generations. Anyway, point being, I think even if the houses were one room 10k shacks with a bed/crib/fridge/toilet/shower. I still think the townies would ignore them if they were custom. Which I know makes no sense, but it's what's happening. Why, I've no idea. It's probably not awesome mod, but still. This is just weird.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
on: 2009 December 15, 20:58:29
I've honestly already thought of all that. Most of the custom houses I have installed in the neighborhood are exclusive lots from TSR, So they're most likely pre-tested before being uploaded, but I double checked most of them just to make sure that I'm not insane. Most of them are reasonably priced, 25-150k. I don't know, this is bizarre though and it's totally beyond me as to what could be causing this.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Sims ignore all custom/non-EA lots/houses.
on: 2009 December 15, 19:55:04
Has anyone else had this problem yet? All sims in the neighborhood refuse to so much as touch a custom house/lot with a ten foot pole. Basically, they'll move to ANY lot as long as it's EA and not custom. The custom lots are completely furnished/tested and all work just fine, they include fridges, beds, cribs, ect. I even did a bit of an experiment, I bulldozed all but two EA houses in a neighborhood and purposely left the two EA houses empty and populated all the custom lots with bin sims. Basically, as soon as the families obtained the funds, they SWARMED to the EA houses like flies, then the ones who were left in non-EA custom lots, basically refused to have children, and just grew old and all died by attrition until only the two families in the EA houses were left. So yeah, I guess my question would be, could AwesomeMod be causing this asinine behavior?