Freezerburn: Sorry for being a bit vague, I put hundreds of scrap metal into the workbench before clicking to see if I can build the simbot. The problem is that there is no menu for building simbot even if I have met every requirement. I seem to recall that in order to create a simbot, I have to place the life core at the bench and build the simbot around it, but as of now, it does not allow me to do so.
I have an issue with an opportunity to build simbot. The quest itself was completed and I already have life core in one of my sims but there is no command to build simbot when I click at any workbenches. I guess it has something to do with the new town (just moved them from Sunset Valley to Bridgeport).
Hello there, everyone. I recently noticed that one of my sims seem to have his work outfit as a dna profiler borked somehow. As it is, there are no any mods or hacks involved in my base game or WA. What could have been the cause of this problem? there a way to solve this kind of problem?
Still, I would hypothesize that the game counts lot items as a whole so when the number of objects exceed the limit the program can handle, the shit hits the fan. But again, I am too frightened by the recent horrors that I doubt I would bother testing for the result.
From my experiment, I think it is the same problem as someone unable to feed omniplants due to excessive inventories. In my case, I tried deleting two of my bookcases that were full of novels written by household sims. Once I finished getting rid of them, the problem did not persist.
So it is back to spearmen versus tanks again, then.
Mr. President, I did not mean to offend. I only thought your priority would be fixing the bugs so the game does not explode in the face first and enhancing gameplay as a second.
alaira : hidden sparring skill, eh? Never thought they would make seperate hidden skill from the one blatantly displayed on the screen.... Well, even if such thing exists, it does not explain why the sim I mentioned losing to his student 4 times in a row. 4 times ! and his own student ! Surely something is not right.
Greyform : Awesome mod would be great but again, I do not think this matter is within El Presidente's priority.
Hello there. I just want to ask about sparring system ingame. I have one of a character with max atheletic and martial arts but when he spar with others whose ranks are lower say 5 athletic 9 martial arts, he was defeated with score 0-2 and that happened so many times. It begs the question what factors that affect the sparring. Have anyone try collecting data about this? Thanks for your attention.