The 2nd, which I'm not sure you're already aware of or not, but I am unable configure any tomb objects while trying to tomb create. These tomb creation options are linked to shift+ctrl click. Nothing shows up but "Nuke". So I decided to re-configure amod to allow debugging, but this only brings up debugging options with the tomb objects, and not the options you need for tomb creation. Without amod installed, the tomb objects have shift+ctrl click options turned on by default with no cheats required (aside from buydebug to allow access to the tomb objects). So I suspect the whole "nuke" thing with amod is overwriting these options
How does one access Tomb Creation normally? Provide full details, as I don't actually get to play. I can't see any obvious references to CRTL-Shfit anywhere, although I tried rearranging things a bit.
Basically, you enter a lot (let's say a sims home for example). Then create a basement where you may want to make into a tomb. You enter "testingcheatsenabled true" and then "buydebug" (buydebug apparently doesn't work without testingcheats enabled). In the normal buy menu, a new "?" icon will appear. When you select it, it will list various tomb objects, and even item spawners such as gems, seeds, fish and so on. Buydebug only enables the ability to buy these special items and nothing else. So you go to the tomb tab, and select your tomb objects. For example, you place a rotating door you want to be hidden from the sim
After placing the door on a wall, you must then shift+ctrl click on it to tell it what you want the door to do. If you want it to be locked, hidden, to close automatically after you walk through it, as well as setup trigger settings (if the door should be linked to some sort of switch). All tomb objects are placed, and then shift+ctrl clicked on to setup thier options
No debugging cheats need to be entered to use this (aside from the one already mentioned). With amods debugging enabled, actual debugging options show up that would probably be used for dev testing that are no use to any normal player. None of these debugging options enable the ability to setup the objects to act like tomb objects (can't link triggers and so on)
To go into further detail, when shift+ctrl clicking on a "Torch Lever" (without amod) it will list: "Activated behavers..." , "Link triggers..." , "Triggers" , "Disable (or enable) Lever" , as well as a few others. With Amod installed, nothing is there but "Nuke". With debugging turned on, none of the above options are listed either, instead seperate debugging type ones are (and Nuke still shows up as well). Don't know if you want a list of the debugging options listed or not. Hopefully this helps some