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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: McDermotts can't return home from France
on: 2010 February 25, 23:25:20
I have a sim stuck in France as well. Two sims from an overstuffed family went there. One sim went home early and the other remained for a few more days. There should be no pregnancy involved. The trip began with AM build 02/15/2010 14:44:28, and was later updated to build 02/25/2010 06:17:46.
Edit: I went back to the first save in France using the build from 02/15/2010 and the sim was able to return home. I'll test all the saves to determine when travelling home was not an option.
Okay it doesn't seem to be related to updating from the 02/15/2010 version to the 02/25/2010 version of AM.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patches. > <
on: 2010 February 11, 22:56:48
I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem: If I am in full screen mode and I try to alt-tab out or push the windows key the game freezes and I have to reboot the computer because I cannot access task manager. If I'm in windowed mode and I attempt to open another application or merely click on a blank spot on the task bar the game becomes unresponsive and has to be ended via task manager. This is happening on both my desktop and laptop, which both run windows 7 and have nvidia graphics cards.
I foolishly updated to the latest EA patches 1.10/2.5/3.1. Prior to updating with the launcher I removed all framework, mods, 3booter and fpslimiter. I also deleted my *cache.package files and removed my saved games. The update went okay, with no errors. The game loads fine and appears okay with or without cc and mods if I do not try to leave the screen or click on anything other than the sims window.
There's one more odd thing occuring since this update. I normally direct the nvidia control panel to force alternate frame rendering so both my graphics cards are used. When I update TS3 I change it back to the default TS3 setting of single gpu, mostly so I can make sure CAS is working (CAS doesn't work well when I use both my graphics cards). Anyway, Nvidia control panel is telling me that the default is still a single gpu for ts3sp01.exe, however both cards are being used, even if I manually set it to use only one. My graphic card drivers are up to date. Nvidia control panel is up to date as well.
If I run with the base game and WA patched up to 1.10/2.5 the game runs fine and the screen does not freeze. I only began to have problems when I installed HELS updated to 3.1. Previously HELS ran with no problems.
Update: Installing HELS and the HELS patch without using EADM or the launcher corrected the problem with the screen freezing.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Why is everything showing up RED!!!!!!!!
on: 2009 November 28, 10:05:27
I too was seeing red, but I only had one instance of DDFMap.txt in my game folders. I also do not have both smooth edges and scroll at edges enabled at the same time.
I moved awesome mod and config to the base game mods/packages folder, as it had been in the WA game mods/packages folder. The additional framework files were already residing in the WA folder. I have resource.cfg in both base and WA root folders. I'm running 3booter and fps limiter as well from the WA root folder. If I don't have resource.cfg in the base root folder, I cannot start the game without the CD and only 8 of my 22 overstuffed family members show up in the UI.
So far, with this set up I'm not seeing red anymore.