I have a problem with my mailbox too. I see the post deliverer everytime and my mailbox shows always that something is inside it. But as soon I click on it, I can only send Love letters and spent for charities...
I believe something is inside the mailbox, but I can't get it out of there, since I have no options available. For some reason I also had a bug before this thing happened. The wife of my male Sim showed 4
people in her friendlist who were all flatmates. They also came to the house and lived there. Not all at once, always one of them came. If I sent him/her away a few days later the next one came. And I
did not invite them to be my flatmates. After that the mailbox problem began, I got no bills anymore, on love letter and since then everytime the post deliverer comes and puts something inside the mailbox,
I can't get it out of there :-(