Ive been looking around server boards, to share my frustration of this "bullshit" EA is doing, i guess i found another to share my discontent with, im no idle follower of MATY, but it's not half a bad place, good to see someones fixing EA's wrongs with awesome mod i guess.
If you have not signed not signed it already, theres a petition on the offical "Sims 3" forum, to get rid of the store.
What we truely need, in gaming these days, are indie developers, since they are pretty much the way forward for inventive fresh idea's and gameplay, if you don't believe me, look at Mount & Blade or Killing Floor. The sims is a dieing genre as long as EA is in power, and the only person willing to buy EA, is Microsoft which isn't a bad idea (They actually listen to customers) But thats not going to happen sadly, EA are Jackels, take all they can, and laugh.
The game took less than a year to make... they were trying to rush it out pretty fast, but they didn't quite make it, delayed it, snipped out everything, and released it. Some people are also pretty convinced they even leaked their actual game (BETA version) to draw attention to it, just like Spore.