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TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Too secret door?
on: 2008 November 23, 09:11:15
You have to click on the door and read the mystery book to get through it, the sims don't do it autonomously.
Ah, thanks. I thought you should do something with the books, but I never got as far as figuring out you should try to read a book. Must have had a real Li'l Abner moment there!
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Too secret door?
on: 2008 November 19, 15:07:14
So I'm right in assuming that the double sided bookcase is a secret door, right? But how does it work? My sims just refuse to use it. Whenever I tell them to go into a room with the secret door they just stand outside stomping their feet. I've tried the door both in residential homes and apartment buildings, EA made houses and houses by me, and nothing works. So what am I doing wrong?
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Only CC available
on: 2008 April 14, 16:27:01
I've had to reinstall my game, but being the clever man I am I removed everything I wanted to save before uninstalling the game. But now I can't use any of the original items. That is, they're still there, but I can only get the recolors. For instance, I still have the painting The lady on red, but I can't choose that image. Only the recolors I've downloaded. I've tried deleting the thumbnails to see if the game would recreate the correct ones, but no! What should I do?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Recategorizing Clothing for Outerwear (the "hard" way)
on: 2007 April 21, 08:13:04
Product determines what game it's from. 1 = Base game 2 = University 3 = Nightlife 4 = OFB 5 = FFS 6 = GLS 7 = Pets 8 = Seasons 0 = Custom content
Creator is the creator. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is essentially Maxis' creator id. If you set the creator to zeros, then identify a product number besides 0, the game will see that clothing/hair/accessory as native. I edited all my Maxis items like that so that they show up without the star and with any applicable EP.
Okay, so if you take custom content and ID it as Maxis, will randomly generated Sims then use that content like they will colorbinned custom hair? So am I doing something wrong? I've changed both the creator and the product number on most of my clothes. They do show up without the asterisk and so on. But my randomly generated Sims still use only the original clothes. Am I missing something?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: More Maxis "Morality"
on: 2006 November 15, 15:15:11
Hmmm, I still get the ugly default wedding clothes, and I have OFB. I haven't had any formal weddings for a long time, but a couple of weeks ago I had two in just a couple of days. And both weddings used the default clothes...
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Simlish fonts
on: 2006 May 25, 19:16:31
So what you actually put in your posters doesnt have to actually MEAN anything - just look good!
In fact, it might even be better if it *doesn't* mean anything. I downloaded some restaurant menu placards and posters from MTS2 that use a Simlish-style font, but the letters are so similar to English that you can still read the signs if you look closely. If you're going to do something like that, at least scramble the order of the letters so that it looks like something written in a completely different language. That's exactly what I mean. I don't want it to mean anything, but I want it to look like real letters. So if I use say greek letters I can still figure out what it says (or if I scramble the letters I'd go "what the fudge is 'förgsptff'?"). But the simlish letters sort of look like an alphabet, but still impossible to see what it actually says.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Simlish fonts
on: 2006 May 25, 17:14:10
Yes, I've seen both wingdings and greek letters. Even downloaded a bunch of posters and paintings with those fonts. But even though I like them (otherwise I wouldn't have downloaded them of course) I still think "hmmm... greek, not simlish" when I look at them. I wish I were a good font maker, then wouldn't bother to ask!
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Simlish fonts
on: 2006 May 25, 11:27:57
Does anybody know if it's possible to download the simlish fonts that's used in the game? Would love to use them for the posters that I'm making for my game.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: No gravestones in buy/build mode
on: 2006 May 19, 08:34:03
You know, now that I think of it I had my sim use the 'move all graves' option instead of moving each one individually -- I wonder if that's the cause of the problem. I'll have to get her to send them back 'home' and see if it works if she sends them one at a time.
That doesn't help. At least not for me. I've tried moving several gravestones at once, one at a time and it doesn't even work when there only is one gravestone in the lot...
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: No gravestones in buy/build mode
on: 2006 May 17, 22:38:40
You don't have to resurrect them if you use the Ingelogical shrub to resummon them followed by the Lot Debugger's "Respawn Tombstone". And definitely use No Unlink On Delete if you want to mess with tombstones.
Would I deserve to be here if I didn't already use both the debugger and the no unlink patch! I respawned the gravestones several times before I realized that they ARE in the community lots, only not visible in buy mode... And yes, I've used the Night life patch.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / No gravestones in buy/build mode
on: 2006 May 17, 21:14:40
I've moved several of my gravestones to a community lot. When I opened the lot to rearrange the gravestones the way I wanted them they weren't there. I tried it several times, and the same thing happened. But when I went to the same lot with a sim all of the gravestones were neatly placed on the sidewalk. Then I opened the lot in build mode again and once again the gravestones were missing. I removed all of my hacks (in fact my entire downloads folder), but the same thing happened. Spooky, huh? Has anybody else noticed this?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / How to lose money at clubs and restaurants
on: 2006 May 09, 10:56:16
Has anybody else noticed this, or is it some sort of clash between my patches? I have a sim with a restaurant, and he's constantly losing money. Not only until yesterday did I realize what's happening. The guests at the restaurant don't pay their bills! Instead, every time the guests get their food money is drawn from the owner. And then the guests get up and leave without even touching the food. This happens everytime. The second thing I noticed was when a sim of mine went on a date to a club. they paid for a ticket at the ticket machine and went in. Once inside they didn't buy anything, but I noticed that money disappeared when other uncontrolled guests used the ticket machine.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Zombies
on: 2006 January 26, 21:25:42
oooh, cool idea! Would love to see some zombies walk around trying to bite my sims! But maybe there should be some anti zombie elixir to be bought from the gypsy then?
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Welcome, TwoJeffs!
on: 2005 October 31, 09:46:43
Finally! My favorite modding duo is back together again! The Batman and Robin of modding! Riggs and Murtaugh! Luke Skywalker and Han Solo! Timon and Pumbaa! eeeh... Anyway, I bid thee welcome, godd sirrah!
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Bring a real friend
on: 2005 October 30, 19:43:19
Where has the "bring a real friend" patch gone? I can't find it anywhere, and there's no note if it works with NL or not. It makes me crazy when my sims bring the pizza boy with them when they visit. I want them to bring real friends again!