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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Hard drive speed
on: 2015 January 12, 19:59:30
I think you'd be fine with the 5400rpm drive. You may notice longer loading times, but nothing extreme. On the plus side, the 5400rpm drive will be cheaper and more likely to be durable, which I consider more important than speed in a traveling laptop.
Which brings me to your second question. No, The Sims 3 doesn't put more wear on a hard drive than any other similarly sized application. The rigors of frequent travel are the more likely cause of your drive's premature demise.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2014 October 31, 18:07:58
There already is a 'Registered Sex Offender' trait, which you acquire via being caught acting on the Pedophile trait.
As for your question on changing the name of a trait, it depends. If the name string is stored in a XML, then yes, changing it is fairly simple.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2014 January 10, 00:11:44
I'm going to buck local convention, and upset several of the regulars here, by providing a couple of helpful hints, ethilda. "Untouched" means, just as implied, that the one sharing the store content has not done anything to the file besides downloading it from EA and then uploading it to their preferred file sharing service. Attempting to install the .Sims3Pack will fail unless the Launcher can validate that you purchased it from the Store (if you did, you wouldn't be downloading it from here ). So yes, you need to perform an additional step first before you can successfully install it. Search for the term "decrapify". You'll find what you need to do.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Mods folder gone?!
on: 2013 November 29, 18:42:18
As a general rule of thumb, files and folders do not delete themselves. If you're positive you did not accidentally delete your mods folder while you were deleting caches, you may have larger problems than just some lost CC. Run a diagnostic on your hard drive.
Also, reseting Windows to a prior restore point does not recover deleted files. It's for dealing with a corrupted registry. Keep backups of important files.
Anyway, did losing all your CC fix the laggy camera?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here
on: 2013 September 19, 14:19:02
Fresh Prince and the rest of the car modders have had a long time to make cars, as cars came with the base game. Meanwhile, houseboats are new, and from a technical standpoint completely different from cars. Houseboats are mobile lots, not objects.
Besides, some things just don't seem to be doable. For a long time I've been hoping for some new motorcycles, but all the modders have made are minor variations on the racing bike, chopper, and scooter that EA provided. At this point, I assume there must be some technical issue with using a different motorcycle mesh, probably dealing with placement of the sim on it.
EA has shown how they love shells for buildings. The campus in University shows this. If they could have easily used shells to make houseboats look like boats, they probably would have.
Note, I'm not arguing against your idea. I'm just pointing out that it's easier said than done.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / The Floating Burrow (houseboat)
on: 2013 September 06, 02:22:51
The Weasley house now floats! I copied the floorplan originally created by Diwtay at Mod The Sims, but I reworked the stairs and the roof to fix the routing issue. I've playtested the lot, and everything is routable and functional. It's also cribbed, ready for AwesomeMod Story. > Download <
on: 2013 August 15, 18:34:14
El Presidente has loosed the Sitard! (All MATYzens instantly lose 3 points of intelligence.)
If donations do not improve over the next week, El Presidente threatens to loose the Oona. The solution is in your hands, and your wallets.
HALLELUJAH! Now you will see why you should have contributed! Mwahahahahahahahaaaaahhhh TMThree point deduction in IQ - that must be at least 5% for most of you! All hail El Presidente! (It is very nice to do my bit for fundraising here. ) I need to stock up on popcorn. This will be good.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 July 27, 02:29:20
Sims with Chosen and/or Track on Radar are unable to receive their extra traits from social group influence and degree.
Can you elaborate more on this? Apparently some of those traits are supposed to be invisible, so you may not see them. What causes those traits, and what happens if you acquire those traits while Chosen/Radar is not on?
This happens to me also. When a sim gets the extra trait from social influence or finishing a degree, the trait is supposed to be listed with de other traits. The extra traits are not invisible. But the new traits are not showing up on the chosen sims. This problem only occurs with the chosen sims, not the rest. This still happens, by the way. I just graduated a couple of sims, and didn't realize I had to unbless them first. Fortunately, I save often, so I have a recent prior save to go back to.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 July 25, 17:01:46
When I use the "addtrait" cheat on my teenager sim, I get a message saying "Boo! [simname] already has 4 out of 4 traits allowed." and it fails to add a 5th trait. I thought it could be something wrong with my tunning so I decided to try on my cat, wrote down "addtrait Hunter" and the trait was successfully added. When I tried to add a trait to my sim again, it displayed the same message. Any idea why the <addtrait> suddenly decided to work on pets only?
Did you by chance disable the trait cap before trying to add another trait? Yes, I checked and the tunning is fine. Also, it works for pets, just not humans, that's what makes it weird. Did you try it on an adult sim rather than a teen?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Playing IP, my game run jerkily
on: 2013 July 24, 00:21:46
I found IP as empty world. My question is: routing is something else than rebuilding on the empty existing lots?
Yes, routing is also how the sims get to the lots, empty or not. In a world with bad routing, sims will get stuck while on their way to a lot. If it takes some time before your game starts running jerkily, then resetting all the sims in the world will help for a while.