I have started getting these as well. You see, I installed AM and had it run fine for about 2 Sim days, and then at around the third, it would invariably freeze a few minutes past midnight. I don't mean the temporary, normal freeze/lag, it would freeze for good; no way to recover other than shuting it down in task manager. Tried disabling AwesomeStory, thing kept freezing. So what I did was to rename the two AM files, load the game, get past the dreaded midnight thing, save and quit, and finally revert the files to normal (hoping that I had hit some isolated, obscure bug that wouldn't trouble me again in the future). That took care of the freeze thus far, but now I keep getting the same flagrant system error over and over again at regular intervals. I don't know how to take pictures of the things, but it says something abut a null reference regarding some story bus and toading sims or something. Maybe someone can tell me how to take them pictures? Any help is appreciated.