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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What needs to go where to make AM work on: 2009 December 03, 05:51:20
Also, fuck you, WM. I'm not interested in playing butthurt-noob games with you, so that's all. Bye now.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What needs to go where to make AM work on: 2009 December 03, 05:49:06

I had AM and resource.cfg both in the WA folder. FAIL.

Thank you, kind sir or madam...
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / What needs to go where to make AM work on: 2009 December 03, 04:50:20
So, I swear I'm not as stupid as this question makes me sound, but I know where I am so I expect to get sporked anyway. But maybe someone can also help.

I went around and around to get my game patched and get it loading without hanging eternally on the loading screen (framework fail). That's all well and good, finally, but now AM does not seem to be, in fact, recognized as being in the game. ("Help" gives me a bunch of EAxian cheat codes, "showconfig" and "setconfig" and "destroyallhumans" give "unknown command".) I've tried with AM in the TS3 directory, in the WA directory, with the framework in both directories, or in the WA directory only, all to no effect. ("Framework", I hope, consists of resource.cfg timestamped 5/19/2009 9:51PM in WA, d3dx9_31.dll timestamped 5/20/2009 3:01AM in WA/Game/Bin, and resource.cfg timestamped 5/19/2009 11:26PM in WA/Mods/Files.) I've deleted scriptCache.package from the documents folder every time I've tried a new permutation. I'm using AM timestamped 12/2/2009 10:39AM and have no other custom content.

WTF idiot thing am I doing that makes AM not exist? I know it's stupid. Have as much fun as you please telling me how stupid it is, but I'd be grateful if you'd tell me WHAT it is...
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread on: 2009 September 26, 20:52:28
Task: Socialize, Task: Call Friends, and/or Task: Romanticate in SC? I was downright dependent on these in TS2 and I still miss them...
5  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Aspiration and LTW tracking!] on: 2009 January 09, 01:20:23
Here's the output. There probably really is a header that I just can't see somehow. Seriously.
6  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Aspiration and LTW tracking!] on: 2009 January 04, 05:13:23
OK, I just ran it again (this time just re-generating the output instead of trying to use the old output) and instead of "-1" I got "6", and it did actually import a list this time, although my output file is again missing the headings. I've not downloaded either a new version of SimSheet or a new version of SimPE, so I remain puzzled, but I'd rather go play Sims than fuss about it, so that is what I shall do. I'm sure someone will figure out what idiotic thing I did to cause this to happen. Feel free to point and laugh.

I'm using SimPE 0.73.18.whatever QA. If a newer one is required I missed that too.
7  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Aspiration and LTW tracking!] on: 2009 January 02, 07:08:31
Okay, this is what I know:

1. The version I'm using is timestamped 12/21. If there was a more recent one, I missed it.
2. The link in post #1 currently goes to a version with the same timestamp.
3. When I paste the headings into my output file, save it, then try to import from that file ("Import from previously generated output"), I get the same error.
4. When I then re-open that output file, the headings are gone and the timestamp on the output file has been updated to the time at which I tried to import it.

This puzzles me, as do whatever politics surround SimPE, but whatever. Do what you will with it.
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Aspiration and LTW tracking!] on: 2008 December 30, 23:24:04
Latest weird import issue...SimPE generates this output file (attached) and when I try to import from it I get "Generated list of sims", "-1", then "Imported 0 sims". Any idea what's wrong with this file?
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Aspiration and LTW tracking!] on: 2008 December 03, 22:46:04
It's 73-18-QA. Here's the output file. It's in my SimSheet folder, not in the EA Games/The Sims 2 folder where the older one is--is that where it's supposed to be?

As to the college problem, I'm going to presume I should quit messing with it, since the age duration hack seems to screw up all the life stage stuff.
10  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Aspiration and LTW tracking!] on: 2008 December 03, 22:17:08
I just re-imported my sim list, overwriting old entries, and noticed that this deletes all my family ties. I am hoping to keep track of this mostly by re-importing from SimPE (especially if things that change regularly are included in the import, like job levels and skills), so I'd want minimal zapping of manually entered data. Are family ties supposed to be this fragile? (And is there any way they could be imported from SimPE too?)

ETA: Never mind, it doesn't actually delete all my family ties, but it does bork them. Some were deleted entirely and some were just scrambled around to the point where a sim was her own half-sister and when I clicked "view sibling" it exploded. Which just meant when I re-opened it I got back my old saved list, with family ties intact, and only imported new sims and updated existing ones manually. But I'd still like to be able to re-import everybody without borking things.

ETA 2: I'm trying to get all my sims into their correct lifestages now (a challenge because I use twojeffs's age duration hack) and I can't seem to get sims who have gone to college to stick as adults. I update them as "grew up well, went to college", "grew up well, graduated from college", and then it calls them adults, but any time I go in to edit them, they revert back to freshmen.
11  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 25, 23:21:22
I am having problems with family ties. For whatever reason, the first sim alphabetically in my list (who happens to be a cat) gets listed as the child of about 14 different sims, and I have to find all of them and remove him as a child. Bigger problem is that all my manual changes to family ties disappear every time I close and re-open the program. Other changes (added sims, added images) are saved when I save the list, but family ties don't seem to be.
12  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 25, 10:07:02
OK, another probably-stupid thing--I converted the pngs in the SimImages folder to jpgs, but when I try to add an image to a sim, it crashes the program. Not sure if this is just because images are generally borked or an actual issue.
13  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 25, 08:57:18
Okay--this is probably something for a future update, but I like to keep track of my sims' genetics, personalities, and turnons/turnoffs. It doesn't look like genetics and turnons/turnoffs are in the current SimPE output, so that's probably a major change, but I'd be happy with being able to enter those manually.

ETA: I've already demonstrated that I'm a total bleeding idiot, so I might as well just roll with it. I can't figure out how to delete a sim I've entered. (I entered some dummy sims I didn't need.) Is this not possible or am I just, as proven earlier, a moron?
14  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 25, 07:48:39
Success!  Grin

Man, I missed Sims2DB. This makes me happy  Grin

I will probably have umpteen feature requests but I'll give you a rest for now...
15  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 24, 07:47:44
*weeps* Wow, that was dumb. The backslashes threw me off and made me think this was a real path for some reason. I'm really an intelligent person, I swear. Sort of computer literate, even. WTF is wrong with me? Sorry.

Anyway, here's the output.
16  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 24, 02:23:57
I can't get this command to work  Undecided Are you sure this is the right path for a Windows machine? I get "The system cannot find the path specified." Sorry, I feel like a moron...
17  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 24, 00:50:13
I need the newest QA for this? I'm not on the SimPE QA list (I am a member of the forums however, same username). Do I need Inge to add me?
18  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 23, 23:18:12
Don't know if the changes in the latest version are addressing whatever output problems are causing my crash, but I'm still getting the same crash.
19  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 16, 00:40:09
OK, I don't know how the hell I ended up with that list. I'm pretty sure that's from whatever Maxis neighborhood I imported without any problems. I hope this one is right.

ETA this appears to be my actual neighborhood. Hope it's more useful than uploading never-played, never-modified Pleasantville.
20  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 15, 23:14:23
The first playable alphabetically is Andre Alvarez.
21  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 15, 22:33:59
Well, in case this is any use, here's my output file. Do you still need this or is the problem with secondary aspirations?
22  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 14, 06:55:26
Hmm...looks like the Vista thing was a red herring. I decided I was going to use my old laptop to keep track of my sims since it worked the time I tried to import on that machine--so I tried to import the files from my real neighborhood, and lo and behold, the same crash. Then I had the brilliant idea to try to import a *different* neighborhood on my real machine, and kaboom, no crash! (Except I had to click through twelve million debug messages, because the current non-debug version errors when it tries to generate the output file.) So presumably it must have something to do with my actual neighborhood. If I were you I'd never want to hear anything from me again, but in the event that this gives you any ideas, I thought I'd post it anyway. (My neighborhood is not huge--503 sims, and my computer is only a few months old, not a dinosaur--and anyway the neighborhood that did work had 356 sims. Could there be one broken sim breaking the whole neighborhood? Should I start deleting people from the exportedsims file till I find the culprits?)
23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 14, 01:43:49
Dammit  Angry Still the same errors, same crash. I don't suppose the operating system is likely to be relevant (works on XP machine, not on Vista machine)?
24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 13, 22:22:52
Pleh...same. Loop 0 begin, Loop 0 middle, crash.  Undecided
25  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: SimSheet (a sim-tracking program) [Now with Importing from SimPE!] on: 2008 November 13, 21:30:10
Okay, this time it goes through the usual stuff with SimPE (and the splash screen shows that it's the QA version), then I get a message saying "Error: -rufio -out {outpath} {-hood hood} {-group group}. Then "cannot find output file; check that you are using the AL version of SimPE." When I tell it to import from previously exported output (I thought this might work since I still have the exportedsims.txt file from the last time I ran this sitting in my Sims folder) it still says it can't find the output file.
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