I have the same problem. It only occurs when my sims head to the carpool/school bus to leave the home. Their heads and upper bodies can move (they wave at others while frozen), but their legs are frozen. Then they move a couple steps and are frozen again. It's not my graphics settings or computer because when I take out Awesomemod it doesn't do this. I tried towderelicts and it didn't fix the problem.
I have the latest version of Awesomemod and I have my game patched to 1.4. I deleted cache files. I took out IndieStone and just used Awesome mod, both the AwesomeStory and the EA story fix and this still occured.
I even allowed one sim to stay home until all others left the lot, then I had her take the family car to school and she still froze for a few seconds every couple of steps on her way to the car.