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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Long pauses
on: 2009 August 10, 22:11:35
The only thing is, on mine, the clock DOES move. I'd not have as big an issue if it didn't, but as it is, I can initiate an interaction, like tell a funny story, and it might take up to an hour to actually start. The minutes go by in chunks of 3-10, not slowly and rythmically as normal. It does seem to be a load issue- threw a party with 6 guests to test it out, and it looked like a zombie rave. Definitely gets worse with more people.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Long pauses
on: 2009 August 10, 12:39:03
I am having this same issue, just so you know. I tried adjusting the graphics properties, thinking it was some sort of overload that was doing it, but no good. Just started this weekend, and I did mega-update this weekend. So, I don't know if it's the patch or what. I'm calling it the Excorcist Bug myself, because the most common issue I have is that my sims will freeze, mid-action, all except their heads, which slowly look from side to side and their eyes roll around. Quite freaky, actually. So, yeah, me too.