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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: "Legally Downloaded" link for TS3?
on: 2012 July 12, 21:33:13
Blindly downloading stuff and depending 100% of your anti-virus scan isn't the smart way to avoid bugs. It's worth taking the two minutes to type out a question to double check.
Do you honestly trust other people more than your virus scan? Just read the comments on a torrent, then, and run your virus scan anyway.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I lost my key code.
on: 2012 July 09, 18:01:02
Google for "NAME OF GAME serial code". There's always someone putting it up on Yahoo or something in the first couple results.
EDIT for failing at reading comprehension - try releaselog or just google for "torrent NAME OF GAME". You might get lucky and find a site that isn't blocked.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lights! Camera! Inaction! SHOWTIME!
on: 2012 March 10, 04:30:13
Had a look in CAW, the routing paint is solid. The routing looks solid. That's unique among EA worlds. There's a road not connected in the middle of town, but I don't imagine that could be the cause. Figure it's probably a lot, but can't locate anything. No trouble in other hoods.
The game is so used to shoddy routing that it just doesn't know what to do with itself, now.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: EAxian Spyware And YOU!
on: 2011 November 14, 13:31:41
Oh, heavens, no. No, I would click the .exe, and the game would give me a message popup and then refuse to run. This was a long time ago, and I don't remember the message. And I've since fixed the problem by pirating the base game anyway.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Possible AwesomeMod Issues
on: 2011 September 13, 21:46:55
If it was an AM issue, other people would have the same problem. Either you installed something wrong, you have a mod conflict, or something stupid happened somewhere else, like bad CC.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: new patch 1.24
on: 2011 July 27, 20:48:17
My powerful deductive capabilities lead me to assume that you're using an outdated version of Awesomemod. Perhaps you should download a newer version made for the current game.
I downloaded the patch and I am running the test version of Awesomemod but when I brought the game up after installing the 1.24 patch the game refused to start until I removed Awesomemod. Has anyone else had this problem?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: new patch 1.24
on: 2011 July 26, 20:48:06
I downloaded the patch and I am running the test version of Awesomemod but when I brought the game up after installing the 1.24 patch the game refused to start until I removed Awesomemod. Has anyone else had this problem?
Are you sure the patch was successful?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patch 1.22/2.16/3.12/4.9/5.7/6.4/7.2/8.0
on: 2011 June 28, 14:22:28
Wrong. EA is simply a huge FAIL. And so are you if you don't shut up and try to solve the problems related to the game, and not to me as a person.
Considering that YOU are having this problem and WE are not, said problem is most likely related to your own failures. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my Sim's problem-free travel and laughing a carefree laugh. Yes, my game seems to work fine as well, after I did uninstall World Adventure. Would you mind explain to me why you, I mean all of You except me have a problemfree world to travel to? Or, maybe you don't know? :-) Everyone keeps telling you it's your own fault in some way. Not our problem if you don't want to listen.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod is, well, Awesome - New Version & Install
on: 2011 June 22, 22:17:40
Oh dear, it sounds like you forgot to delete your caches--this can be done by dragging the Game/Bin folder for the base game (Sims 3) over to the trash bin and deleting it. That should reduce the load-time and prevent your game from crashing.
That's kind of mean. Sorry, but killing and eating my broodmates seems to be de rigueur around here, especially if they can't do a search for their own answers. Don't apologize. It's a sign of weakness.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Help me please, for I am stupid - crash issues
on: 2011 June 21, 23:21:12
Same issue. I've been playing sims 3 fine with AM for a while... really is an essential mod. Then this stupid June 21st message came up and it won't even let me play anymore. I don't even know how Awesomemod did this... the computer I play on isn't even connected to the net (internal clock, perhaps?). It's rather annoying. Get that "outdated mod" message when I load the game. If I go ahead and ignore it, Sims Outdoor life page opens up, but the load bar and music freeze. If I don't ignore it, sims closes. Now, I downloaded this most recent patch and followed the instructions, though I don't know what the instructions mean when they refer to "install optional configuration package" Perhaps that's the issue. Is the optional configuration package actually not optional? where do I find the thing?
If I can't get this thing to work, I'll probably just quit sims. Tried removing AM... it's not nearly as fun. Maybe I'll just go outside, build a few chicken coops, and get a life.... of course, you can't all let that happen to me! Suggestions, folks?
I find search moar to be invaluable advice.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Things NEVER done on Sims 3?
on: 2010 December 16, 20:34:21
Any chance of getting a copy of the (I presume heavily annotated/commented) de-compiled source, Pes? Inge? Anyone?
Source of what? Because you won't find any annotation or commentary in sources of anything I do: A TRUE Klingon warrior does not comment his code! I have the vague memory of reading one of your posts that suggested that you had a de-compiled copy(s) of the Sims2 (and expansion) .EXEs KAPLA! Apart from your spelling mistakes - at what we're you successful? "Were", maybe?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Things NEVER done on Sims 3?
on: 2010 December 13, 08:32:20
Hey, you should check AM requests thread under Awesome Mod section. There's plenty of sheeps asking Pescado to tweak some things up. Meanwhile, can you try to remove those cutesy sparkles when building walls? Or ALL sparkles in the game because I palmed every time I saw it.
I think HP's texture replacers might be what you're looking for. That's the combined package, but she's got links to the individual ones on the off chance you want some sparkles gone and not others.