Rohina-Your story was great! I can't wait to read the next one. I hadn't heard of this challenge before. When I need a break from the Prosperity challenge I will have to give it a shot. I never remember to take pictures for stories though.
Thanks for all your help.. I deleted her with moveobjects on and she showed up at the mailbox when I reloaded. I will have to check out Inge's keep objects bush. Sounds useful!
One of my kids asked dad to instruct her in using the surgery center (medical career reward). They headed over to it and she stood there and then he wandered off to do something else. When I clicked on her, she still had ask for instruction in her queue, but couldnt' do anything. I tried to cancel out the ask for instruction, but the box is stuck there with a red X through it. I can't get her to do anything else and no one can interact with her. I am sure that moving them out, and then back in would fix it, but I have a lot of career rewards, aspiration rewards, and masterpiece paintings that I would prefer not to loose. Any other options for fixing this?
Thanks for the help. I will try moveobjects_on to delete them. I am not sure what caused the problem though. I don't have the mind control mirror. The only things that I have downloaded are from Pescado and TwoJeffs.
One of my dorms has a bunch of chairs that are bugged. There is no one that I can see sitting in the chairs, but when I try to sell them, the game states that I can't delete objects that are in use. The lot debugger has a choice for delete otherworld visitors (or something close to that, I may not have the exact wording) and when I choose that, it says that the game will quit and then nothing happens. Will clearing the otherworld visitors make my chairs useable? What I am not doing to make the debugger clear them?