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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here
on: 2014 April 10, 15:33:13
A mod that gets rid of, bypasses or weakens the Singed moodlet. When accidents happen, I don't want my sim to have an unlimited Get Out of Jail Free card every fucking time danger occur. Electrocution dangerous! Fire hot!
Bonus points if more percentage based.
No mod required. You can "fix" this with tools already included with the game. Tools actually included in the game? Or are you referring to rolling a dice yourself and using Force Kill? The latter is doable, if rudimentary and rough.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: No rocks/gems/metals/seeds/lizards/turtles spawning
on: 2013 March 24, 23:34:07
As I said, I just recently downloaded new EPs (SN, Gen, SHT) with which I'm not entirely familiar. I have read something that seemed to indicate that the same spawners for rocks/gems are also used to spawn small animals, so that I may have to wait a few Sim weeks (seriously?!) for gems to spawn. This doesn't sound right to me, as I collected a plethora of gems with the Pets EP installed, all the way through Seasons, with no issues.
Are you sure it didn't say a few Sim days? Gems, rocks , seeds and metals will spawn after about 3 days. I've had games where they appeared after merely a day or two. Others where I've had to wait up to 5 days. I don't know what factors that.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 13, 07:16:50
The "attractive" message box is popping up far too often. Every single sim I meet (and sometimes sims I haven't even met in the first place that are across town) will proclaim that he/she wants to get to know them better. Bam, attractive moodlet. Suddenly my sim is flirting away with his newfound love, even as he's found about ten of them in the last two minutes of playing.
And put down the fucking smartphone, dipshit.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 11, 13:03:10
So far, I'm not particularly impressed. The campus is one of the most boring ass worlds I've ever seen from EA. It's essentially a square grid with buildings plopped down. The dorms are broken as all fuck with fires, floods and ten thousand piles of dirty clothes. Why are there so many supernatural sims on campus? Half of them are either fairies or wizards. Really, the only thing that is positive is the ability to manually set which bed belongs to whom. So this totally happened.
I had my sim take a smart phone picture with one of the sorority girls, queued up some romantic interactions, and when I next looked back she had regenerated into a clone of my sim.
Seems I got the same situation when I took a romantic photo with the wife.  It's not going away, though. Not even resetsim seems to return them to normal. I had to revert to an older save.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Extracting Music from Game
on: 2012 October 21, 17:51:35
EAxis didn't like people extracting their music, so they made it harder if not impossible to do so now. They couldn't keep it simple like Sims 2. Probably trying to sell more soundtracks. Although if there is a way to extract them, I would be interested.
Who in their rightful mind would want to buy a Simlish soundtrack?
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Random Crashing
on: 2012 September 25, 11:26:18
The most recent version of Awesomemod seems to crash the game whenever one of my Sims are idle. Perhaps something to do with the free will?
Clearing the caches and other mods did no effect.
Edit: Ts'all good. Got fixed in the recent awesomemod update.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod for 1.29?
on: 2012 May 01, 17:00:16
We always are, ya know??
Thanks for that useless piece of text, nikki. You do us proud when agreeing with others and bringing nothing to the table, just to lengthening your e-penis.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uncracking Sims 3
on: 2012 February 28, 22:17:21
No. Reinstall your game. While it is reinstalling, think about your life and what you have done. When it is finished installing, use a no-cd mod and something to bypass the launcher.
Such as AwesomeMod, which has a built-in no-cd feature.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances
on: 2010 November 10, 17:34:22
The only bug I have notice so far regards the acting career: my level 8 actor sim could not go to work (the action kept dropping from his queue) even though he could enter the building to quit his job.
Having similar problems with certain opportunities. Some opportunities work, while some don't. I haven't been able to pinpoint the cause, but I'm suspecting it's something related to the multiple businesses in the same rabbithole.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Ambitions: What's borked
on: 2010 June 09, 16:42:06
Somehow my single sim has a secret life in France. She got married had a kid, who is now a teenager and gained a couple hundred thousand dollars all on a level 0 visa with a man who doesn't even show up in her relationship bar. I was looking for a boyfriend for her when I was prompted to break up with Francois. Look in my family tree and low and behold she has this whole other life.
Isn't that a, you know, WA question?