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1  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Super Mod foundation already? on: 2014 September 28, 06:02:24
Honestly if things could get smoothed out, I honestly think this is a great start. I've always been the one to dislike what everyone seems to dislike, so it's no surprise. The game has a lot of potential and with the right mods it could be great. To expect EAxis to ever do anything right you'd sooner see hell freeze over. I've seen the game at least reset sim on it's own when they manage to derp out and teleport out of what current action they had, that's better than them being stiff stuck until you do it yourself. I would hope that Pes makes a mod for it since time and time again I used his mod so I could bare playing Sims 3 with all expansions. Mostly my pc's fault and then EAxis poor coding.
2  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Stereo Mod Suggestion on: 2014 September 09, 18:22:39
Madame Mim, that's why I like this site now. You guys don't lie or hide the fact y'all can be quite rude sometimes. As a kid I got butthurt, but as a adult now I've learned not to be so sensitive. I was just surprised to be treated like that at MTS lol. About if anybody will make the mod, I figure "hey, no harm seeing if anybody else wants this and somebody knows how to actually do it.". If I was a little more familiar with digging into the code and finding it, I know it's just a matter of changing a value. I just don't know where to look for it.

Snabul, That is a interesting fix, but I'll probably just wait and see if someone someday makes a mod somewhere for it. If I get tired of it too much I will probably look into doing that. I didn't think to change the speed of the songs.
3  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Stereo Mod Suggestion on: 2014 September 09, 00:34:52
Believe it or not I went to modthesims first and they deleted both of my threads because "you can't request" so I suggest and they still deleted. I don't know how many of you have the game yet, but I'd like a mod that fixes the music from speeding up when the game is sped up. Not everyone is into the Chipmunks. I hope you guys at least treat me better than they did. I know the rep here, but y'all are at least considerate to ideas for mods to make the game better.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod for TS4? on: 2014 September 04, 15:05:09
Sure an awesomemod for ts4 would be great.

Btw, is there a way I can patch my game manually ? Since I am using 3dm launcher with the skidrow's ts4 at the moment, I can't update it from the origin. I don't even know if it's already patched or not but what I know is that creepy baby glitch is unbearable...

I haven't seen anything yet. I think skidrow says a patch download is coming soon or something?

Oddly enough I have not had that bug in-game yet. I'm guessing it might be a certain software it might have issues with since everyone's pc is different. I can tell y'all this, it's worth the gander at. I'd love to see what you'd do with a mod though. There are certain moods that are best for leveling skills so I imagine it'd take a bit to work out the best pathing for a supreme commander again. The game seems to run pretty smoothly but I imagine with EA there are always some memory leaks with objects that don't disappear, but it runs off a smaller "zone" now instead of the whole world running at once it's only loaded up if you are there to see it. If you do do it sir, I would be quite thankful. Always been a fan of your mod since the day I discovered it.
5  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 mod and CC on: 2014 August 28, 14:18:05
Not really amazing. Given that there is no CAST, we're just seeing the same inundation of crappy recolors we saw with TS2.

Well The Sims 4 is Maxis' answer to all the whiny "Sims 2 foreva" MTS types who complained about how infinitely superior Sims 2 was over Sims 3 cause they've never heard of awesomemod so yeah...

May as well think of Sims 4 as The Sims 2.5. Or The Sims 1.5 I guess, since it lacks swimming pools and toddlers and other stuff most people probably couldn't give a lesser crap about unless they are from MTS...
They make me want to punch babies with how much they whine about minor things, I see performance enhancements perhaps. Maybe they saw how the last one turned out near the end with how boggy it runs without awesome mod. I couldn't believe the performance boost the mod did, but I always think of getting it whenever I get in a sims mood.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: WA made me update TS3 before installing, now game won't start! Help!! on: 2009 November 22, 19:44:39
Downgrade your graphic card's drivers. Oddly, nvidia's latest drivers do not work with Sims 3.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: WA made me update TS3 before installing, now game won't start! Help!! on: 2009 November 20, 14:27:59
Is it possible that the processor is too slow? The system requirements say 2.0 GHz for Windows XP.

While I have a 1.86GHz processor, it's a *Duo* processor so I don't know if that makes a difference. It ran TS3 perfectly with no problems, so I don't know why it would just mess up now.
I have 2.0GHz so it's not that for me. This is something entirely random. Let me ask this though, is there normally files named "xcpt compname-1 09-11-19 21.31.44" there without the use of mods? I have none installed for the game anymore but I can't recall if those were there before or after. >.>

ETA: this is a wild shot but, has anyone noticed the listing for the Nvidia graphics card is a tad confusing?
Windows Supported Video Cards: Nvidia GeForce series: FX5900 or greater, G100, GT 120, GT 130, GTS 150, GTS 250, GTX 260, GTX 275, GTX 280, GTX 285, GTX 295; ATI Radeon™ series: ATI Radeon 9500 series of greater, X300, X600, X700, X800, X850, X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950, 2400, 2600, 2900, 3450, 3650, 3850, 3870, 4850, 4870, 4890 series or greater; Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA): GMA 3-Series, GMA 4-Series.
Mac Supported Video Cards: Nvidia GeForce series: 7300, 7600, 8600, 8800, 9400M, 9600M, GT120, GT 130 ATI Radeon™ series: x1600, X1900, HD 2400, HD 2600, HD3870, HD 4850, HD 4870.

Mainly what I'm focusing on is the fact it doesn't list mine... Even though the base game ran for me it shares the same odd graphic card listing. I'll admit if I'm a total idiot on this one but normally a game will list in a ballpark your card... If this is the case though then it's just a matter of waiting on if they support our cards.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: WA made me update TS3 before installing, now game won't start! Help!! on: 2009 November 20, 03:26:13
Two seconds of black screen and right back to desktop? Same problem I've had and I've done everything I can think of to try and fix it. No one has given me any cures for it either... Give me a shout if you get a answer though.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: White background after booting Sims 3 with WA on: 2009 November 19, 16:44:58
I believe this marks the day that I will never ever touch a Sims game again. EA has screwed it up too much to even play, I wouldn't even arr it.

ETA: It's the latest nvidia driver update that borked it.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / White background after booting Sims 3 with WA on: 2009 November 18, 23:10:14
I completely removed Sims 3 from my computer a while back because I decided I wouldn't bother with it anymore. I bought the EP yesterday because I actually felt like trying it before totally dropping Sims 3. Well, I got home and installed it all only to find "wait it didn't remove the folders totally because mods are still here". So I got rid of those, reinstalled to make sure the slate was clean. So I go about finally when I have time to try to play the game, I've tried with and without launcher but both times it goes black like it's going to boot up, then it decides "no, you can't play this" and shoots me back into desktop except it made my background white until I restart. I searched the forum but nothing came up with my keywords. If anyone has a cure to this besides me destroying my copies in anger, please enlighten me.
11  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Long pauses on: 2009 September 07, 03:11:59
I think there is different versions of the pause, one that last forever and one that is just temporary. I have yet to see it repeat it's self with a save though in the same spot.
12  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Long pauses on: 2009 September 06, 15:30:13
My computer has never had heating troubles before, back when the game came out I never had these issues.
13  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Long pauses on: 2009 September 06, 15:25:35
Well, I was hoping all the cc hair I use to have was causing it, seems not. The only thing I can say is everyday I play sims 3 it does it after five or ten minutes in. I honestly don't know whats causing it, but it is discouraging me into playing sims 3 for a while. I can't get anything done without five or so minutes in the game freezes, for me that is a few sim days. I recently cleared out my patterns to see if it was that, no go. I've cleaned out a lot of my mods as well, still no go. Rather it's EAxis relate or AM, I hope it gets fixed at some point.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Old Oak Starter house on: 2009 September 01, 00:13:22
Next house I make I will make sure to size the images smaller, I know how dial-up can be. *shudders*
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Queen Anne Cottage on: 2009 August 31, 10:43:50
Also, usually I had a sim visit the lot and peek through the windows, that way there is no unnecessary sims within the house that you have to move out or upload with them.
There is no need to bother with a Sim on the lot, either taking them there or having them move in. Just grab a terrain paint before taking screenshots. Grids gone. Problem solved.
The trouble I had with trying to snap pictures within build mode is it would only let me in the cameraman mode once and then would never let me in it again, with two story houses I have to hop out of that to go up a floor properly. Probably doesn't do that for everyone though, my game seems to enjoy coming up with weird situations.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Old Oak Starter house on: 2009 August 31, 10:36:11
Okay, I will take note of that. They load pretty fast on my end, so I never thought a thing of it. I'm usually more for high quality pictures, so I try to leave them as they were. I will look into it though.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Three Abodes for Pudding Habitation on: 2009 August 31, 02:36:40
For some reason it refuses to install it. [god I hate EA's fugly launcher] Does anyone know how I might can get around that?
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Old Oak Starter house on: 2009 August 31, 01:39:57
Yep, I always use it. I didn't know the feature was in the game til I looked up the controls on the cardboard thing from the box.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Old Oak Starter house on: 2009 August 30, 21:45:07
If you press tab, you'll go into cameraman mode [I believe that is the correct name], then press Z/X to adjust the zoom. Pressing X a few times will give you that view, I use it a lot. It helps in getting shots of small quarters.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 was to include weather. on: 2009 August 30, 20:36:21
Interesting find Erry. I wonder if there is a way to enable it, or at least get it to working order.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Loading save/neighborhod stuck on: 2009 August 30, 20:33:02
I've searched all of MATY for the keywords that should apply to this, but none of the searches were successful. I'm having a problem where when I load up this one save it gets about this far and stays there forever.

Has anyone dealt with this problem before and if so how do you fix it? I was playing my family when the game froze up, so I had to crtl+alt+del and kill the program. When I loaded up sims again this is what I encountered. I've deleted all cashes, I even tried the backup save. Any solutions would be grateful.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Old Oak Starter house on: 2009 August 30, 18:32:54
This house is very small, but convenient for a starter sim [although it's just a tad over 16k sadly]. It's one bedroom with one bathroom. It has a small kitchen and small dining. The reason this house is over 16k slightly is I tried to pick furniture that would not be harmful to your sims.

23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Queen Anne Cottage on: 2009 August 29, 18:25:28
Simply pressing C will take a picture for you. You'll be able to find the pictures in your Sims 3 folder under my documents.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Awesomized Neighborhoods With Cribs on: 2009 August 29, 17:59:29
I pay many respects to this download now. My town currently is dead, only elders are roaming the screens. It's almost like a ghost town. I installed cribs in all the houses, but I think it's too late for that. So I'll most definitely be downloading this.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Queen Anne Cottage on: 2009 August 29, 17:54:40
Yeah, in-game screenshots removes the dark effect. I don't know why the sims 3 gives hate towards print screens but go figure. Also, usually I had a sim visit the lot and peek through the windows, that way there is no unnecessary sims within the house that you have to move out or upload with them.
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