After a few days of researching, trying, failing, and going crazy, I have finally managed to patch my game successfully. And now I collected what I know about patching that "crazy" the sims 3 for those who still have problems. May be this can help...
PATCHING THE SIMS 3 FROM THE SCRATCH( i never uninstalled my game before patching but still i recommend you a fresh start in case may be you could have already messed up your game somehow)
( i had removed all mods and hacks except the custom content like hair, patterns, default skin...etc. but it's always better to keep it clean and remove the whole mods/packages folder i think)
Before starting : Always, always download the correct patch files according to your region.
Let's get started,
-Install RELOADED version.
-Crack it.
-Apply the following steps.
1ST STEP:-First of all you need to update your game to the "official status" which means "RELOADED Version To Razor1911"
-You need to find and download the "sims3patch.exe" file big about 700-1000mb.
-This will update your game from the non-final version "" to the official release updated version
"1.0.631.00002"-Open regedit (Start->Run->regedit->Enter).
-Navigate to HKLM\Software\Sims\The Sims 3
-On the right side of the list find SKU. Double click on SKU and change Value Data from 7 to 2.
-Now you need another patch to update your game from the version "1.0.631.00002" to
"1.0.632.00002"-Find that file and patch your game once more.
2ND STEP !!! the key point !!!! -Find an original "bin" folder.!
((((((( !!!
As far as I understood(=not sure) in this case, the original files in the bin file are somehow "region sensitive" So if you're in europian region the bin file should be copied from an europian release original cd or if you are in USA do accordingly. !!! )))))))) And remember that, the language that you choose to play the game has nothing to do with the "region". It's not about the language of the game, it's about the location.
-Open the original bin folder that you have copied from somewhere and put the following files in your bin folder. This will replace your crap files with the original ones.
-The location is :---sims3/game/bin--- (pay attention that there's another bin file in the main bin file don't make a mess with that. just open the main bin folder and do your business there)
I downloaded my bin file from here : (patch_fix.rar) (bin folder from the original EU version install)
-replace these files: -bin
Do not delete or do anything else with the rest.
3RD STEP-Download the patch file which will update your game from the version "1.0.631.00002" to the version
(((((yes, in the 1st step we already applied the update from ""1.0.631.00002" to "1.0.632.00002"" so now what the heck the file ""1.0.631.00002 to the version"" ? , ok, I don't know either. That's the file which i have and it worked perfectly.))))-So, apply that patch and watch how nicely your game updates itself to the version
4TH STEP-Download the patch file which will update your game from the version "" to the version
""-Apply the patch.
In this step if the patch gives an error at the end of the installment:
-make sure you don't have any changed, cracked "ini" files.
-try to re- replace the bin folder files with the original ones that you have used in 2nd step.
-do nothing, say ok to the error and open "game launcher" and as soon as you open it, you should see a warning that there's a new update and if you'd like to apply it. Trust the launcher! Everything will be fine.
5TH STEP-The easiest one.
-Find the of sims3
for the version 1.3.24 and crack your game.
-Here we go! If the game closes itself be calm, give it another try. Still crashing? That means you are caught, go and empty those mods/packages folder.
-Happy simming.