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TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sooo, Does Anyone Play This Game?
on: 2017 July 08, 10:30:17
I got the Sims 4, but I didn't like it so I don't play it. Instead I managed to get my copy of the original Sims working (which was hard because I have a modern gaming PC running Windows 10).
I haven't played the original Sims, since Sims 2 came out in 2004. I am running windows 10 so I doubt with my lack of computer skills it would even work.Istill have all the discs. 
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: rich sims not rich...
on: 2008 March 29, 00:03:15
I was under the impression that townies each had their own seperate funds account. Depending on what "Tier" they are in determines the amount of money they bring in when they get married.
Townies have bottomless pockets, that why they make good business customers. They never run out of money. You could dazzle-sell absurdly priced items to the Slob multiple times and they'll still be able to afford it.
Sooo... quit making things up.
I was not making anything up, but rather using the experience I have had with my game. Perhaps it might behoove you to remember that each individual has different quirks in their games and gaming style. Secondly, I do not give a rat's ass what type of customers townies make since I do not put my Sims in business for themselves, nor do my Sims have home based business's. The next time you decide to call me or anyone else a liar you would do well to remember that no one plays the game the same way and consequently how much or how little a Sim brings into a household through marriage or move in does differ. EAxis intended for gameplay to be unique for each person, I am quite certain your style of play has little or no resemblance to my style of play. My sims wouldn't be caught dead with tattoo's,your sim on the other hand has a tattoo.Need I say more about individual preferences and style? 
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: rich sims not rich...
on: 2008 March 28, 22:28:15
One way to find out for certain how many simoleons a townie or npc has is to use testingcheatsenabled ,and then shift click to spawn the tombstone of L&D and make the prospective sim selectable. While The sim is selectable it will state how many simoleons are in the sims family or household.
The problem with townies and downtownies is that the households are huge, thus the division of simoleons when one joins another household tends to be really skimpy.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims can't cook
on: 2008 March 28, 19:15:40
I am not sure if this will resolve your problem, but after not finding a resolution to the error here or anywhere else. I removed my downloads folder to my desktop and started my game up. I loaded to the neighborhood view, which in my case is Pleasant view and then exited. I then exited the game and moved the downloads folder back to its original place in the Sims2 folder. I then restarted the game making sure custom content was properly enabled and my error has not reoccurred.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Lethal heatstrokes
on: 2008 March 28, 08:48:25
Apparently the temperature regulators are borked in free time.
Sim Rohina, who is part of the elder live in nannies in my game, got over heated taking a shower after her little charge spit up on her.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BV/FT Anxiety
on: 2008 March 25, 10:56:22
Hoping this isn't a horribly silly post...
Now that some time has passed, I'm thinking it's about time to finally break down and install BV and FT, but I'm practically paralyzed with anxiety about all the things I'm going to need to do in order to make these EPs playable on my terms. My terms really aren't that sticky - vacation locals who aren't Maxis fug, objects/interactions behaving almost sorta like they're intended to, weddings that don't end in non-honeymoonable disasters, and maybe the occasional swim in the ocean. But the more I note the posts about what's wrong with these titles, the more nervous I am about the mountain of work it seems I'll have to do in order to find these EPs really playable. Am I overreacting? I'd really appreciate any input you guys might have about the steps I should be taking before/after installing these EPs.
(aside from, of course, the SecuROM crap and downloading the DC)
Liz, as with any game or EP you want to make sure your computer is ready and capable of playing the Sims2 EP's. features won't work in BV or FT if you don't have adequate RAM I am usiing 4 gb of RAM my DL folder is 2.5 gb and all features work for me. Second,make sure old hacks that arent compatible with BV,FT are removed .I use Pescado's hacks ,Inge's and Two Jeffs fixes. TJ has a critical fix for free time.Inge's nanny fix is critical if you love CC baby furniture or the furniture that comes with free time.For some the games error regardless of precautions taken.for others game play is relatively smooth. Most critical of all make a backup of your working game.
on: 2008 March 24, 23:12:48
Let's work harder on the obscure part, okay, goofball? Be carful Crassmitten, your ASS is showing Oh noes, you made a play on my handle, which I chose myself. I am...unpwt. And I will be more carful. But this carburetor is giving me heartburn.  Thanks, for pointing out the typo. I corrected it. 
on: 2008 March 24, 22:40:10
I was here during the reigns of both former senators,it was during that time I was informed that I would never become a "senator" via p.m. It really mattered to many of those people, the senatorship. They managed membership behind the scenes and used it as a popularity indicator. Ms Maria confirmed this when she said she was made a senator purely because someone in #grah nagged JM about it. (She didn't say 'nagged', I did.) Many of the senators were not even, nor had ever been, MATY regulars. True at that time "senatorship" was the mark of acceptance.I don't know nor do I care if it still is.  Posted by: mildlydisguised You don't have to be a peasant to be relatively obscure. Ahh,but I enjoy being an obscure unpopular peasant. 
on: 2008 March 24, 21:09:59
I am pretty sure there was a deletion attempt on MATY as well.
Unpleasant character, that Bluesoup, I didn't come here much during her reign. It was even more cliquey than in Brynne's reign.
I was here during the reigns of both former senators,it was during that time I was informed that I would never become a "senator" via p.m. my immediate thought was.................WTF?  ? who wants to be a senator??? I won't bother to go into old unimportant b.s. other than to say its a good thing to be an unpopular peasant. I enjoy being able to peruse the forum in relative obscurity.
on: 2008 March 24, 19:54:49
As one of the first 100 members here at Maty,I remember BlueSoup very well............. She spent a great deal of time towards the end of her tenure here in power struggles with Rohina,and anyone else she perceived as taking her favored position with Pescado.
She did start a forum of her own, and for reasons known only to her she deleted that forum rather quickly.
I don't know why she threw the whiny brat fits at pmbd,but other than grabbing booty occasionally;I have not been on the pmbd forum in over a year. Too much drama for me.
In general when the drama gets to be to much for me; I simply take a break from the sims2 forums rather than souping off.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims can't cook
on: 2008 March 24, 19:34:37
Gwill,This is the first time I have had an error in my game that actually generated an error log. Kyna,Thank you for the reminder about the error log ,I will grab the error log when I am using the pc that I game on Inge, I did buy a new fridge after updating the stay things shrub. The error being generated is an enthusiasm tracking error  [attachment deleted by admin]
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Oh no! There's another one!
on: 2008 March 24, 00:13:54
I sent the dark tanned teen Ivy Copur to Uni.She is back in Pleasantview married in a "joined union" to another sim with an adopted baby. I am trying to stop some of the more hideous maxis genetics from spawning. 
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Nanny doesn't recognise FT baby items
on: 2008 March 21, 01:13:30
I have never downloaded macrotastics, though unless that had replacement nanny character files or unless you were told to kill your existing nannies and make new ones from a new template, I guess it won't clash. Mine is all stuff that is local to the nanny herself and won't stop actions being pushed onto her queue, if that's how macrotastics works.
I have used macrotastics in the past ,and as far as I could see macrotastics only affects playable sims not npc's such as nannies. I put the fix into my active neighborhood and it works seamlessly in my game,no more babies lying wherever the nanny dumped them. I tried it with both custom and freetime cribs the nanny used both.* mashes thank you button*
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Nanny doesn't recognise FT baby items
on: 2008 March 20, 21:41:41
I noticed the borked nanny the first time I played the new free time baby care items. My nannies without fail wouldn't put babies back in the cribs and toddlers were passing out from exhaustion,Stupid EAxis  they finally give us cute baby furniture and then don't make certain the nannies will recognize it!
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: DirectX 9.0c is making me frikken' NUTS!
on: 2008 March 20, 17:25:21
If all else fails you may be able to download applicable drivers from your graphics card manufacturer.
My Computer came with DirectX 10.0c to find out which version your computer has open run,type in dxdiag .
this will tell you which version of graphics,directx and audio systems your computer has.
Good Luck and I hope this helps
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Should Bigfoot be a walkby/community lot visitor?
on: 2008 March 20, 07:42:26
I was wondering about BV NPC's are they supposed to show up at community lots in the main neighborhood?I sent my sim out on a outing afer a date that was pretty good to "cafe petit" in Pleasantview. After the group outing was over the "Unsavory Charlatan"  appeared and my playable sim decided she needed to greet him,I canceled out the action and told her to walk home. She complied but I noticed that in her fear panel she immediately spun the fear of being pick-pocketed  .I thought BV NPC's were supposed to stay on the Vacation Community lots. 