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1  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2009 December 11, 14:39:24
The actual launcher itself doesn't have a frame rate, but the background install loading screen (when it runs the mini-window of the plumbob loading screen then says "success!") ... according to FRAPS that does run with FPS. The major FPS numbers are all happening during the loading/shutdown sequences. With FPSlimiter installed the game is now safely capped, but there is no limiter on the Sims3Pack installer so I'm still getting crazy high numbers there.
2  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2009 December 11, 14:25:41
Is there a way to apply FPSlimiter to the launcher? I'm clocking up to 1200 FPS when installing Sims3Pack files.
3  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2009 December 10, 17:13:52
I used FRAPS to check the FPS and it was getting as high as 800 during the startup movie and sitting squarely at 575 during the startup loading screen.
Oddly regular gameplay was "only" around 75-85... Shutting the game down was at 675 during the black screen. Angry

I built this computer specifically for TS3, and have already replaced the video card once thinking it was faulty when it died within the first 30 days. Maybe it was the game.

Thank you for FPSlimiter. My game is now running merrily at 30 FPS.

All hail the mighty Pescado!
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod on: 2009 October 01, 22:05:43
Hi Absimiliard, I have this aging scheme in my mind that's easier for me to track the birth year of my spawns. Could you please take a look at my values to see if they are all right? Thanks.

Short:    1 day = 1 year
Medium: 1 day = 6 months
Normal:  1 day = 3 months (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
Long:     7 days=1 year
Epic:      1 day = 1 month

<kShortSimDaysPerAgingYear value="8">      
<kMediumSimDaysPerAgingYear value="16">      
<kNormalSimDaysPerAgingYear value="32">      
<kLongSimDaysPerAgingYear value="56">
<kEpicSimDaysPerAgingYear value="96">      

<kChancePerDayElderWillDieShort value="11">   
<kChancePerDayElderWillDieMedium value="6">   
<kChancePerDayElderWillDieNormal value="4">   
<kChancePerDayElderWillDieLong value="2">   
<kChancePerDayElderWillDieEpic value="1">

The rest of the values are the same as yours.

Ooh, That makes a lot of sense, mind if I poach that and plop it into the mod? How does anyone else feel if I remove the shortest gameplays (I've heard of folks who get bored and want to age up the population - in my mind a year/day is sufficient but I can see the appeal of zapping the town with a 4yr/day dose of bad radiation).
Looks good! I'd still rather see elders reduced to ten days. A guaranteed minimum life span of 75 is plenty. My parks are filled with townie elders enough as it is!
...Thanks again for your mods...
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod on: 2009 September 28, 18:57:53
I've been using the realistic aging mod for a while now and love it. Absimiliard, I hope you upload it to where it can get the exposure it deserves.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Absimiliard's Realistic Aging Mod on: 2009 September 10, 16:31:38
I'd like to see Elder reduced to 10 days since the average male lifespan in the US is 74. Reducing the Elder days to 10 would make sims 75 years before they even start having the option to die, meaning most would live beyond 75 anyway.

I think the days you have set for the other lifestages are perfect.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Antique Chronometer (Story Book Clock) now placeable on Fireplace. on: 2009 September 09, 15:31:29
Thanks for this! The more fireplace clutter the better.
Aside: It's really stupid how EA made the mirrors almost high enough to fit over the Pyro-Pit fireplace, but not quite. The only thing that fits is the C.U. Mirror and it's round and gaudy. If you're ever moving mirrors for over the fireplaces the Hi-Def Mirror (with or without those black lines) or the Reflektor would be awesome.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: 1.3 patch stupidificated the sims. on: 2009 July 30, 14:42:49
I noticed that after the patch, my normally fine Sim couldn't manage to navigate her own house. She did the "something's in my way" gesture while standing by the bookcase, right next to the door to her room. So I did the "go here" command to her room, and she went in. She is suddenly demented and utterly stupid. When she was in the red zone for tiredness and I sent her to bed, she got in bed, stayed for a half second, jumped up out of bed and passed out on the floor.

Dumb, just dumb.

The new version of AwesomeMod fixes the route failures and since then my game has run perfectly, but I bought my game so I can't speak for DL versions.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.3 Released on: 2009 July 29, 13:10:07
UPDATE - The new version of AwesomeMod fixes the route failure problems. Thanks Pescado!

Motoki - Thanks for the link!

Sims can no longer "Try for Baby" with the Grim Reaper.
What a shame.  Sad
What? I thought that was an actual feature!
Now we'll need a mod to put that feature back in. WTH EA.
10  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Install 1.3 update or not? on: 2009 July 29, 12:38:02
AwesomeMod is now ready for public field trials in 1.3.24. IndieStone Driver will not need to be updated intrinsically for the patch because it is not Core, but if you are running pure IndieStone, they need to update their core. Of course, this is someone else's problem.

I've tried the new AwesomeMod for 1.3.24 and all the route failures are fixed.
Thank you!
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.3 Released on: 2009 July 29, 00:51:59
Something strange happened when I patched with the Awesome mod installed.  Afterwards my sims couldn't do the most basic things like climb stairs, navigate to bed or use the toilet.  They acted like they had labotomies.

After removing the mod though and relaunching they were fine.   

Also the no censor patch no longer works in my game so I have all that damn pixelation

I'm having the same problem. Route failures all over the place. Sims can't find their way to anything in another room. They will stand around complaining about it until they pass out.

Does anyone have a link to the 1.2.7 update so I can reinstall?
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