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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Variations in House Cost for the same file
on: 2009 July 04, 08:50:55
If you moved the cabinets and stayed in the game without going to edit town, you'll accumulate that cost until you exit. You do get money back from deleting them, but only 1x the cost of the item, all the moving price additions stay until you exit to town...
So, if you messed with the cabinets, didn't exit, then you placed your lawn / trees... You're accumulating a ton of extra cost that way.
If you exit to town, the town price WILL be correct regardless what took place before it. However, if you have multiples of any plant / tree / shrub etc. in your design, your build / buy mode will NOT adjust. So you have to literally keep exiting to see how your budget is going to be if you want to keep starter status. Any doubles of landscape plants will not show depreciation like furniture. An example would be to place a single plant on an empty lot, exit it, then reenter... You'll see when you sell it, it's lower priced than the original... However, if you add the same plant (2 planets and empty lot) then exit, the lot will lower to the correct price, but when you reenter the lot price jumps up again. Not only that, but your plants are now back to original price. Both of them...
That basically solves it, just note that when you see the price in town edit mode, that IS the correct one... This game is full of holes...
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Variations in House Cost for the same file
on: 2009 July 04, 02:37:53
I did a little test, too: I had just finished building a house, but not done any landscaping. The price was the same in both build/buy and edit town: 68,542
I went back in and added some shrubbery. The price then changed to 68,742 in Build/Buy, and 68,585 in Edit Town.
I found the culprit to this too, when you place a duplicate of a shrub, the shrubs in build / buy mode does not depreciate when you enter the lot again. However the lot in edit town mode shows the depreciated prices. If you just put one of every kind of shrub, the build / buy mode will match. This is different than counters since the counters will adjust itself with a reenter, the shrub issue won't.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Variations in House Cost for the same file
on: 2009 July 03, 18:10:20
I forgot to mention too that when you reenter a house you built, it does depreciate... I did a bit more testing with the counters and it seems the game does not do this every time, but if you just did what I suggested by placing then moving counters, you'll see the difference. On an empty lot worth 1,800, you can place then move some counters, destroy everything, and see a lot price above 1,800 on the empty lot...
The game seems to double the price just once. So once that counter triggers the bug, it's safe to move around afterward. Now I'm not sure if anything else in the house does this, but from what I recall it shouldn't.
Still, you can easily fix the price by exiting to town, then reenter the house. That adjusts the price for depreciation AND fix the added price to a single item problem.
I have not see this happen with landscape however, I haven't tested it.
I actually got it to act the way I remembered it. I used the shoppe counter island piece, place two connected to each other. Now pick up either one of those counters, then reconnect them on the other side. If you keep doing this, the price keeps going up. IIRC this should be not limited to just shoppe counters (as I don't even use them in my houses) so I really can't explain what the issue is. Stand alone counters will trigger it once in a while, but connected counters seem to be more often, and in some cases 100%.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Variations in House Cost for the same file
on: 2009 July 03, 05:01:16
When you build a house, the price of the house does not adjust if you move any counters around. The initial placement of it will make it go up the cost of the counter, when you move it, it doubles. So if buy a $250 counter, then move that same counter 3 times after, you'll have incurred $1,000 in costs.
Once I finish building the house, when I exit, then enter the lot again, the price adjusts to what it should be.