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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Red Relationship Bar
on: 2009 December 16, 16:53:10
I've been trying to find something on this, a work around or something, but I can't find anything. When I go on vacation my relationships are normal, but when I come home my relationship section is blank and anyone I talk to is a completely red bar. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there anything I can do to fix it?
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Indy Stone Mod development stops - News at 9
on: 2009 August 11, 01:30:33
I don't think it would necessarily be that hard to spawn cribs in good locations. Spawn them next to a bed. Even if that's clumsy, it's not unrealistic. Even when people don't keep their babies right in the bedroom, they keep the babies in hearing distance of their sleeping arrangement, even if it's just a baby monitor. When you first get a baby home, if you haven't had one before (I've only had one so I can only speak for myself, heh), you find yourself arranging things in a hurry and that can include jamming a crib anywhere it will fit in the room, even blocking doors and TVs.
In TS2, when children got home from school, they would instantly try to place their homework on or as close to a desk as possible. If the same object-of-a-type search routine is in TS3, a similar thing could be done for cribs. Instead of identifying an empty spot close to a desk, it could find the closest empty spot on the floor close to a bed. (The facts that cribs are two-tiles, though, might ruin that whole idea.)
What people don't seem to realize is that cribs are actually FOUR tiles. When I jumped from house to house to place cribs I usually had to delete a piece of furniture simply because the Maxis houses don't usually leave four unobstructed tiles anywhere inside a house, especially not in the bedrooms.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Config settings not saving anymore
on: 2009 August 10, 16:29:05
Anyone else have this problem? It says that it's using my saved settings from a cookie, and for the first half of the config file it does, but the bottom half from "JobDifficultyScaling" on down, it's using the default settings. Which means every time I download the config file I have to go through and reset half the settings.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Weird Crash --- can't find any sort of solution.
on: 2009 August 09, 18:43:27
Well, you don't HAVE to, but there is no information on how well the Unholy Hybrid will run.
There is actually tons of information on how well the Unholy Hybrid will run. It doesn't. It crashed on the neighborhood screen. The End. With the addition of expiration dates, people have the option to patch or just not use awesome mod. That's it.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 08, 20:17:02
I don't believe he has written the spawning part of ASM yet, so far now I think we either have to nudge them along or swap in Indie Stone and watch the babies fly!
Wait, if there is no spawning AT ALL where did this whole "You have to have a crib in their house" crap come from? I wish someone had told me this BEFORE I placed 20 freakin cribs.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 07, 19:47:06
I did the bounce around and reseed thing for about 7 couples. Now everyone in my town is old or dead except for the 7 kids I made which are now teens and the family I play, which is actually two old people and a teen (Ha!). I'm contemplating starting over, the nice thing is the game runs great with so few people. Well, minus the freezing bug.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: 1.4 patch is now out
on: 2009 August 07, 17:24:21
Men do get pregnant in the base game. EA storymode rolls a random baby in a random house and if there is no woman in the house the guy carries the baby. Since they didn't make a mesh for it, the guy would just be a bobbing head. I had bodyless men before I had ANY mods. I didn't realize the reason WHY they didn't have a body, I just thought it was a graphics bug. Then I later found it it was because EA storymode randomly impregnates people, but doesn't discriminate by gender.
The toddler bug is from when you teach a toddler to talk and then let them watch tv. There is no "talking while watching tv" animation for toddlers, but they try to do it anyway and their body morphs into some freakish mutant thing. The most recent patch stops that. Why would EA make a patch to fix something third party mods cause? Hmmm...
I don't just pull stuff out my butt, I actually play the game, and read multiple sites to find out if what's going on in my game is going on in other people's game and why.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: 1.4 patch is now out
on: 2009 August 07, 16:23:33
3 Patches for one edition of a game? I can't remember, is this a new record for them? I seem to only recall 2 patches maximum per expansion pack.
That's because there are degrees of broken and Sims 3 was pretty freakin broken when it released. Plus this last patch was just a patch to fix the patch. If you think Sims 3 was 'freakin broken' when it was released you have no idea what you're talking about. Clearly we have different definitions of broken. See my definition of broken is when they add a story mode toggle that doesn't even work, toddlers morph into mutants when trying to do an animation they don't have, pregnant men walking around bodyless, places of work can't be entered when certain opportunities are preformed, the ability to plant things you learned from opportunities lost if you move, and on and on and on.... I guess your definition of broken is you stick in the disk and your comp explodes.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: 1.4 patch is now out
on: 2009 August 07, 03:45:57
3 Patches for one edition of a game? I can't remember, is this a new record for them? I seem to only recall 2 patches maximum per expansion pack.
That's because there are degrees of broken and Sims 3 was pretty freakin broken when it released. Plus this last patch was just a patch to fix the patch.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Indy Stone Mod development stops - News at 9
on: 2009 August 06, 02:42:59
I don't think it was about the money, I think they wanted more gratitude. But come on, you really like something, a patch comes out and breaks it. You want it fixed. You don't think back to the good ole days when it did work. People's memories aren't that long.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 06, 02:39:05
I looked around and it seems like the ones with flirty have 4 or 5 maxxed out people they are in love with and everyone else has none. And I just finished playing through a generation on normal age and not a single child was conceived the entire time. For me that's the most important function of story mode, so my town doesn't die out in a generation. Now that I think of it, there was no immigration either.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 06, 02:00:38
Ruby Broke is madly in love with almost every guy in town. LOL.
That's because she's Flirty. Apparently Flirty=Slutty (who knew?). Well the way the game works flirty is pretty much slutty, cept they couldn't call it that. Since I'm seeing these endless hookups while playing a different active family I had no idea this behavior was trait related. It funny cause she marries one guy, and then she's all over the place with every other guy. As long as everyone in my game isn't a skank I can deal. Though from the romance updates I get it feels like they all are skanks. Maybe the Riverview default sims have a lot of flirts.