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Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Random Crashing
on: 2012 February 19, 22:46:21
Hello all.
So despite the fact that for as long as I can remember I've had issues with these pets EPs, I decided I'd buy the Sims 3 Pets EP at Christmas. I got it, installed it, and then went about populating the neighborhood with a ton of Sims. I had a handful of issues while doing that - blue screens, the game completely locking up the computer, etc. I got around that by not running the game or CAS for too long.
After spending like a month working on my neighborhood to my liking, I finally get around to playing. The first family I played, everything was fine. The game seemed to lag in parts, but that was it. I switched to another family, and the past two times I've tried to play, the game just crashes, randomly. Everything just freezes, and the Windows white arrow appears on screen rather than the Sims arrow. When I hit ctrl+alt+delete to access the task manager, I get the generic Windows 'this application has crashed' message. This seems to be happening pretty randomly, and absolutely out of nowhere. I had the game running just now and played for a total of literally five minutes before it froze.
Is this just another sucky side effect of the Pets EP? Is there a certain reason this is happening? My computer more than meets the specs required to run any of the Sims games; trust me, I checked after the above-mentioned blue screen issues. I have no issue with uninstalling the Pets EP, but if I have to do that, how would I be able to keep my Sims? I worked really hard on them all and would hate to lose them. I can live without the animals and the new neighborhood, but I'd like to keep my Sims if I have to trash the EP. I have yet since the Sims 3 came out had to uninstall anything, so I will freely admit I have no idea what I'm doing there. And no, this has never happened before, just with this EP, which leads me to believe that the Pets issues have struck again. *sigh* So yeah, when/if there's a Sims 4 Pets EP, I won't get sucked in no matter how many new animals they promise.
Anyway, if someone could help, that'd be much appreciated! I'd actually like to enjoy the work I put into all of my Sims, heh. Thanks!
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Blank Inventory Item Messing Things Up?
on: 2009 August 13, 06:45:07
I'm running AwesomeMod with IndieStone. If it's IndieStone Core, you'll have all sorts of wonky problems. Are you running Core or Mod? Also, could you define the wishes that aren't being fulfilled, exactly? There are a few that are known to be buggy. The best advice I can give ( besides removing hacks or a reinstall ) would be to make a copy of your town and use the copy. That usually solves any problems I have. It's not IndieStone Core, I have the Mod installed instead. Could that be causing problems? The wishes that aren't being fulfilled were wishes to increase the guitar, athletic, cooking and fishing skills. The art one worked fine. Try moving them out via edit neighborhood, chose evict on their house then sell all furniture, then move them into a new place. I seem to recall it fixing the borked up inventory item preventing sims from doing certain actions that I had a while back.
If that doesn't work a more drastic solution is to go into neighborhood mode, copy that family (and the house if you want) to the library. Delete the family, place the copy of them in the library, then delete that library copy once you know for sure your family is placed and working correctly.
Doing the second option will delete ALL relationships those in the household have with anyone outside of it as well as yank anyone on the family tree who isn't in the household off. That's why it's preferable to just do the first option if you can get away with it.
Meh, I was hoping to avoid move-outs if possible, but I don't adore the current house the family is in, so I could try that. Thanks!
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Blank Inventory Item Messing Things Up?
on: 2009 August 12, 21:46:53
Yesterday was the first time my Sims game has acted so weird, and I need a bit of help, please. Anyway, for the past couple of days I have been playing a particular family. The first issue I have been having is that wish fulfillment is doing nothing at all. There's a husband, a wife and a boy in the family. The husband and wife fulfill a wish, nothing happens. These wishes all involve skilling up. The game makes a big deal about skilling up, but the wish remains there. And before anyone asks, it's not to skill up to a particular level or anything, just in general. So I am doing it right. Oddly enough though the son could skill up and have his wish fulfilled no problem. :/
The second issue I have is that all of a sudden the guy in the family cannot play guitar. The last time I entered the game, he and his wife were both playing. Since then, he can't play though. In the inventory, I only have the option to move his guitar around, not play it. The same goes for the household guitar outside of the inventory. His wife can play just fine.
The game also got super wonky last night with the male Sim. He was showering, and over that action was a 'continue grilling' action. He hadn't been grilling. No one was at the moment, though his wife had done a grill-a-thon at the local park, but even she was done by then. I decided that was a little too weird and I quit without saving.
I switched families and tried going back to this one, and nothing happened. Other Sims can play guitar just fine. I think only my guy can't. I have a theory as to why too. His wife bought all of the compositions, and bought two of each. I would just drop one into his inventory. Well he learned the level 5 composition, and it went into his inventory. When he learned the level 6 composition though, it put it as an item stack with the level 5 comp. It also added a blank inventory item. I can delete both compositions (I'm not sure why it put them in an item stack together; never seen that before) but the blank inventory item remains. I think something got messed up along the way or something. I am hoping that deleting the blank inventory item may help my male Sim be able to play guitar again. I'm not sure. Any suggestions? The guy has a music job, so it'd suck if he can't play again.
Um, currently I have the game up to date on patches and I'm running Awesomemod with IndieStone. Switching families did nothing, nor did resetSim or removing mods. I know this isn't a life or death issue with the game, but I am afraid that if one family can't fulfill wishes, pretty soon the rest may follow. Any help would be much appreciated.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Hack Conflict
on: 2009 June 25, 16:26:59
Ashkitty, (I'm a she by the way), I don't have that folder. Was it supposed to install on its own after downloading something or was I supposed to install it? Either way, I have deleted the files and it hasn't helpled. I've also deleted, as MissKitty suggested, the simCompositorCache.package, but no others, so if they can all be removed, I'll try that. Thanks! Edit, never mind. Found the mods folder through the C drive>Sims folder stuff. NOW I deleted the files. That should do it, I hope. Double edit, just checked and everything is back to normal! Thanks guys.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Hack Conflict
on: 2009 June 25, 06:15:49
Hi there. I've been lurking on the forum for a while now, and you guys seem cool so I figured I'd post here. Long time Sim player, but I just got into the Sims 3. I've been downloading things and it's all worked out until now. I had the penis mod ( downloaded and it was working, but just the other day I downloaded a default replacement skintone from (,37735.0.html) and now the cocks are coming out black. I've been using the MTS2 installer monkey, but the only problem is it doesn't let you uninstall anything. Right clicking 'install to hacks' just lets the hack go into nowhere land, unless there's a way to reach it. So yeah, looks like I found a hack conflict. Any way I can delete the replacement male skintone? I'm not crazy about it and would much rather have the regular skintone than something custom with my males looking diseased below the waist. I tried replacing my downloads folder with a backup I made before I started playing, but with no luck. I just need to know how to delete the replacement skin through the installer monkey, or find some way to get totally rid of them. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.