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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 was to include weather.
on: 2009 August 31, 02:42:25
Does it honestly surprise you that EAxis is trying to milk the sheeple of more money?
I say "Go ahead", I look forward to it's release! Capitalism FTW! It's people like you that make things like Miley Cyrus possible. Since you are not aware, there is this thing called the BBS for mindless sheeple that kiss the EAxis ass. That said, nice find. I'm crossing my fingers for weather soon. It would be nice if they would put it in the World Adventures in whatever they're calling it, but if they did you know they would be shelling it as one of the first features mentioned, but alas...
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Type resetallwants to fix your broken wants, you morons
on: 2009 August 29, 17:02:26
I have this Young Adult Sim I've been playing for a while. Everything went fine until she threw a birthday party to age into an Adult. Now, whenever she fulfills the requirements to achieve a Wish (or Want, whatever), it doesn't fulfill. She doesn't get the points for it and it doesn't leave the slot. Nothing happens, no matter what I do, for any wish. I started a new neighborhood and this only happens to that one Sim. I tried reinstalling Awesomemod and resetSim and no dice. I'm not sure if this is an Awesomemod problem or a game bug. Does anyone have any clue? This is my favorite Sim and I don't want to have to cheat to play the game normally 
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: UseRabbitHoleEntrySystem
on: 2009 August 18, 01:55:54
Perhaps we should just defer to the original Rabbithole system: No. You know which Rabbit Hole system I want? The system where we had no Rabbit Holes. Fuck you, EA.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Glitchy Pregnancy.
on: 2009 August 18, 00:15:51
I've heard of this glitch a lot before. I even found a (hilariously creepy) video documenting it on YouTube. It's just related to the pregnancy/holding an infant. I wouldn't really worry about it. But, as mentioned before, the only known way to fix it is resetsim. *Googles it* Girl Sim stands up in the middle of her bed and her arms are posed as if she is holding a baby, and then she snaps back to bed for a few seconds, and repeats. From a list of TS3 bugs & glitches. But no solution is given. So, report back if you manage to fix it.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: UseRabbitHoleEntrySystem
on: 2009 August 16, 23:08:50
 I thought that, too. My mind filled with the school building suddenly sprouting the flaming eye dude on the top. Pop culture, it has brainwashed us. Hmmm. Though, that would be awesome... *shifty eyes at Awesomemod request thread*
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: The Wrath of Pescado?
on: 2009 August 16, 22:21:45
In case of you wondering what "Trogdorstrikedagain" [snipped] DAMN YOU TROGDOR!
Wait a sec. What is up with the "Singed" moodlet? It makes you burn faster? Is that supposed to make sense? Is it even trying to make sense? I guess that's, like, the Family-Friendly Way of saying "doused with gasoline".
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Windowed Mode Sucks.
on: 2009 July 25, 06:55:55
That lag is caused by story mode running. Especially if you have awesomemod running.
Thanks for the help, really needed it. Jesus christ, USE THE SEARCH BUTTON. I am so tired of this question. In every other thread someone asks this. How is it possible you have not seen any of them?? LURK MOAR.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: File that decides Maxis "townies"' names
on: 2009 July 25, 06:11:09
FFS EA, how fucking hard is it to go to and copy/paste? Jesus (or Jeuss) Christ on a motorcycle. They've done horrid names for two games in a row now, and nobody knows why. Maybe not even EA.
That said, as bad as names in TS3 are, I still think they're at least a minute improvement from all those Goopys and Dagmars and Sims named after the producers (Langeraks and crap). But, yes, an improved name list would be appreciated. I think I may be using yours in TS2 still, jordi.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Slacker Babysitters
on: 2009 July 25, 05:02:08
Maybe Workaholic as another trait? Or Friendly, to push them to interact with the larvae, thus perhaps resulting in some accidental getting-stuff-done?
FI, there is a list of traits that conflict on this site somewhere. Searching should find it. Off the top of my head, though, I don't think any traits conflict with those.
Many thanks Motoki. I know it was probably pretty simple, but alas, I am epic fail at the design tool. Everything ends up coming out with black and green polka dots and three heads.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: When is consanguinity dilute enough to make distant relations into romance
on: 2009 July 25, 04:40:42
But the step relationship is gone once the parent is dead. I had one girl who was raised from a baby by her stepfather- never knew her father. But yet the moment her mother died, she started flirting with her stepfather. It was really disturbing.
I don't suppose her name was Soon-Yi...? - Gus No, it was Lauren. But the other acceptable answer would have been E'Dena Hines, Morgan Freeman's stepdaughter. EEEEEWWWW, why must people insist on bringing that up!?! He plays the helpful grandpa in all the movies, god damn it. I want to pretend his personal life doesn't exist.  Also: I'm wondering if anyone has played TS3 long enough with aging off to have great-great-grandchildren etc. Is there a point where they stop recognizing their great-great-great grandpa as family? It always squicked me out so bad in TS2 when, at a certain point in the line, a Sim could roll up Wants to bone their great-great-great grandma. *shudders* EDIT: Apologies for repeating myself, but I didn't know how else to word it.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Slacker Babysitters
on: 2009 July 25, 04:28:10
I never thought I would miss the TS2 nannies so much  Oh my babysitters look like them now thanks to Userunknown's mod + Edit in CAS + my tinkering around with the design tool on some clothing. [snip] I just need to get them to work better now, that's the hard part. I don't even care if they pee all the damned time as long as they actually take care of the damned kids! Holy crap, those are amazing. It looks much better than anything I could attempt. Would you happen to be willing to upload them somewhere, pretty pretty please?
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Choosing Sex of Babies
on: 2009 July 25, 03:30:44
I am not convinced at all. I have a legacy family in the 17th gen and all they have ever had is boys. Try as I might to eat watermelon it makes no difference. Still no girls.
Do your Sims eat pancakes? Make sure they NEVER buy apples, they never have apples in their inventory, anything. Apples can sneak into a lot of recipes and cause boys. Also, for the watermelons to work, you have to eat it in the FIRST trimester of pregnancy. If you do it right after they change into maternity and start rubbing their tummy, then it should work. Something is definitely wrong, either way. The gender ratio should be about 50/50. After 17 generations, SOMETHING is wrong for you to not have had a single girl. Your Sims are sneaking apples when you're not looking. Watch your pregnant Sims like a hawk and turn off autonomy if you have to. Also, sticking pineapples up your twat is what all the cool kids are up to. Trust me on this.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apocalypse! How many are left?
on: 2009 July 08, 16:26:00
I think EPs have a lot to do with it. Not to say that the game doesn't generally suck, but we're so used to our fancy schmancy businesses and downtowns and vampires. So many more objects, too, keep it interesting and fresh. Wasn't the base game boring as hell after a couple months? Admit it. So I'm not uninstalling TS3 just yet.. We'll see if rumors of a new EP this year are true, and then I'll see if it spices the game up a bit.
I'll probably switch over completely to TS3 in a couple years. Meh.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apocalypse! How many are left?
on: 2009 July 08, 12:22:03
A few weeks ago, I arred all the TS2 SPs/EPs (because I lost most of my discs) and have been having oodles more fun spreading Don's seed everywhere thanks to my spankin' new Megahood, than I ever did while drudging through the clusterfuck of stress and forgotten promises that is The Sims 3. I tried and tried for weeks, but it got to the point where I didn't feel like I was playing a game anymore. It felt like a job. A job that didn't even pay.
Truth be told, TS3 somehow managed to ruin the whole series for me a bit, but I still enjoy TS2 over 3. Haven't touched it in over a week.
Though, I got a really snazzy new computer just to play TS3, and now going back to TS2, the quality is much better and the loading times are much shorter, which improves the enjoyment, somewhat ironically. Though there are some things I liked in TS3, there just wasn't enough to keep me in it...
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Sims 3 Expansion In My Head
on: 2009 July 07, 04:37:32
It's all moodlets, never personality. All Sims talk the same, every action is the same. If two different Sims have the same traits, and pick the same trait specific social action it won't be any different than the Average Joe doing it. Like you said, Excitable Sims don't act excited, they just get a moodlet.
That's a false generalization. Some traits do have specific interactions, and they also autonomously use them from time to time. You need to pay more attention. Oh, gee. Insane Sims wear their panties to the bookstore. LOL THIS IS GUD GAMEPLAY!!!!!111
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Question about the Logic skill affecting learning rate
on: 2009 July 07, 01:33:29
HOLYSHIZWHIZZ!!!! The Prima Guide was actually right about something! The Apocalypse, it is nigh.  And I quote: (because it was gifted; no, I didn't spend my own money on it) As this skill is developed, it shortens the time it takes to develop other skills, with the exception of Athletic and Charisma. [Can anyone confirm these two skills?] Teen and child Sims also get a homework speed boost as this skill is developed... This skill also increases the chance of winning all varieties of games.