I had this question posted at the request thread before you made this one. Was going to tell someone to move it to here, but appearently it got erased or something. Anyway, my question was for the God's chosen tag. Do you put that into the individual sims descriptions or just the household description. Also, do you just type what you put in in the config tool? For example, I used noprog for the key, so you just type that in the description and that's it. Or do you have to do something else as well. Sorry if I sound like a moron, but I wasn't totally sure based off the description in the readme.
The description on the config tool says "
Households containing this string in their description are immune to Story Mode. Leave blank to not use this feature." So it would make sense to be placed in the household description. That is where I am putting it at any rate.
You shouldn't have to do anything beyond that (beyond setting the code in the aweconfig.package of course). I believe you could even have other text in there as long as it somewhere says "noprog" or whichever code you chose. But I don't like to tempt fate so my descriptions only include the tagline I chose.
That's what I thought, but wasn't for sure. Thanks for the reply.
After starting my game (which loaded perfectly fine, no crashes/problems!) I played for about a minute and a half before my mouse disappeared!
I couldn't see the pointer at all, so I keyboard shortcutted a Quit and voila! My mouse was right there on my desktop.
I doubt it's due to awesomemod, as I experienced the same more than once, with and without mod. It occurred more frequently if I keep the game minimized at some point: when I return, the cursor is gone.
It's not due to the mod. I've had this happen in other games as well. Usually restarting the game fixes it.