I think the moodlets are a great idea, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they evolve. Having a great time in a beautiful setting with your love? Damn right that's going to more than offset that fact that you're a little hungry.
Right now the bar that's pissing me off is hygiene. Yes, daily bathing is good and good for you. But say my sim has a bath before bed. Then she gets up to sit at her desk job all day, comes home to eat a salad, and sits around reading for a while. Her hygiene should not be ready to tank like she's been filth farming the English countryside ("Ooh, Dennis, there's some lovely filth over here!"). Yes, it's been 24 hours since she took her bath. Certainly another one wouldn't be a bad idea. But a calm, easy, sedentary day should not lead to "ZOMG, I need a bath NAO!"
Can you explain what "filth farming the English countryside " means? Do you mean manure? There's no such thing as "filth farming" in England, but we do fertilise our crops.. Also, a day out in the country , in England, usually leaves you smelling of fresh air, not manure. I read also, with great interest, and much amusement, the long discussion on English grammar (re -Grammar police discussion). I am totally mystified by the 'cat of love'.