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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Crash, crash and crash, again
on: 2009 August 06, 02:34:20
Rename the save file. Keep the same ending, but just change the name. For instance, take your Sunset Valley.sims3 and rename it Sunset Valley2.sims3. It will yell at you, but it's fine. Move the one that works into the folder, and start the game. It should show up separately.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Custom eyebrows
on: 2009 August 01, 21:20:42
MTS turned down a house I made that I thought was spectacular. The one I did get approved required three rounds of changes to the screenshots before they accepted it.
I'm not crazy about the gem ones- they're a little big. Smaller and more gems would look better. But the rest of them are good.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Getting weird random demotion
on: 2009 July 28, 00:41:02
Instead of killing her, you could just completely trash the relationship between Yumi and your sim so she gets a boss metric of -3 instead of the +3 she's getting now when she's a Super Villain. It shouldn't affect your sim, since level 10 jobs don't have boss metrics. Just make sure your sim is the Emperor of Evil when you trash the relationship.
But killing her would be WAY more fun!
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: When is consanguinity dilute enough to make distant relations into romance
on: 2009 July 25, 15:39:08
Okay, well, this is weird. I cheat-resurrected every male ancestor in the Legacy Family Ghost Pen. It appears that the furthest distance they can recognize is Great-Granddaughter. They don't recognize Great-Great-Granddaughter. But, they don't have any Romantic options with their female descendants, even as far removed as six generations. The option just isn't there. I even cheated them into being in a relationship, and still there was no romantic interaction menu.